Chapter sixteen: Eye see you!

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         Sweet Saturday you are my savior!
I threw myself onto my bed and buried my face into my pillow. I had just gotten back from a torturous brunch with Adam. The man who I stole his steak from.

Apparently my little act with the motorcycles wasn't enough to scare him off.
I needed more.

Perhaps a cleverly spilled glass of wine over his shoes?

Or my pet hog behind set free in his fancy car?

The latter option seemed less likely, mostly because I don't know where to find a hog...


"Waxzhappening?" I blurted, lifting my face from my pillow in a daze.

The sound of an engine filled my room and I tensed all over.
I knew that roar. Oops, roars. Plural.

Scrambling from my bed, I straightened my shirt before throwing open my window and walking out to my balcony.

Four sleek black motorcycles all flew through the air as they rode off a cleverly placed ramp.
Who had put the ramp there? I didn't know.
But it was wicked cool.

Suddenly, I frowned. Counting the motorcycles, I did a double take.
There was four. Hadn't there been five before?

Ignoring the voice of logic, I threw my legs over the balcony railing and slide down the drainpipe, landing with a thud at the bottom.

Hiding in the shadows, I seated myself behind a bush to watch the show. It was memorizing how they managed to get such heavy machines off the ground. And not only that, but in the air too! Doing flips, twirls, and jumps.

An aching in my chest made me realize suddenly what I had been missing out on.


All my life I had to be perfect. Until I realized it wasn't for me, so I rebelled. But I never got adventure like Bilbo, or a Hogwarts letter like Harry.
The most fun I got was Ms. Pave and her window, and this interesting bonus of the motorcyclists.

Looking around, I suddenly realized that no angry neighbors were running out in the streets. I chuckled. Perhaps they finally gave up of trying to make them leave.

My phone suddenly began to ring and I pulled it out, seeing that it was Stacy calling.
"Hey." I greeted. I had given my number to her on Friday, with the plead that she call me during the weekend to save me from my mother.

"Sup." Stacy said.

"So what are you up to?"

"Nothing much. Playing XBox and beating these punks to a pulp. You?"

"Meh. Just watching the Flame Riders."

Stacy dropped her phone and I held in a giggle. "You what?"
"Yeah. They like riding on my street for some reason."

Stacy's voice was filled with excitement and a fangirl squeal.
"You're the girl in the videos! Omigod how could I have not seen it before!" Stacy squealed into the phone.
I giggled and turned back to the road where one of them was doing a flip.

"I'm a huge fan of the Flame Riders!" Stacy said.
Why am I not surprised?

"Well, their here right now. If you wanna-"
"I'll be right there!"

The phone call hung up and I frowned.
Then I got a brilliant idea. On Wednesday when I accidentally left Rachel with the four stooges, she had fallen victim to hundreds of pick up lines and one liners.

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