Chapter thirty: I meet my first gay.

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Community busses always bring out the hipster in all of us.

Climbing onto the old city bus, I took a moment to realize that this is the farthest I've ever been from home.
Right here.
On this bus.

I flipped up the hood of the wind breaker The Heat - I mean, Noah, gave me.
Handing the bus driver my ticket, I wandered down the bus touching each of the faded blue seats.

Finally, I found one exactly in the middle and sat down, inhaling the musky smell of humans.
There weren't much people on the bus, just a young mother with a sleeping child a few seats up, an old man, and a nervous young man sitting across the isle from me. He seemed so nervous, that a single drop of sweat rolled down his dark skin.

I cocked an eyebrow at him, eyeing his fidgeting. His knees were bouncing, his hands where wringing, and his feet were tapping.

Rolling my eyes, I turned to look out my window, watching the city slowly slip by.

These last two days have been the most exciting in my life. I was kidnapped, saved by a famous motorcycle group, learned that they were in fact my crush and his friends and-

My eyes widened as my train of thoughts crashed into a wall.


I shook my head, clearing my mind as I rested my brow against the cool glass.
No. Noah wasn't my crush.
He was arrogant, and...perverted. Yeah, like that time he kissed you...on the cheek...

But besides from that...he's been very nice and exactly what you find interesting in guys.
Said an annoying voice in my head.


And he saved you, didn't he? He could have just left it to the police, but no. He took matters into his own hands.

Shad up.

Admit it, you feel just a smidgin of feelings for him.

Nuuuu! I do not!

I groaned and clutched my head.
"You okay sweetie?" Came a voice. I looked up through my thin curtain of hair to see the nervous fellow from before watching me with equal curiosity.

I gave him a closed lipped smile, then shrugged. "I've seen better days." I explained.

The man nodded, "Yeah, I hear ya sister."

I chuckled and leaned back, resting my head against the back of the seat.

A shuffle and a mumble later, the man slid next to me and held out a hand.
"I'm Nick." He introduced.
Hesitating, I inched away. He saw my nervousness and backed off, smiling understandingly.
"Rough day eh?"

"You have no idea." I muttered breathily, shaking my head.

"I'm heading into the rough waters my self." He sighed, his knees began to bounce again.

"I'm introducing my boyfriend to my parents today." He blurted as if he had been holding it in and needed to tell someone.
Momentarily taken aback, I didn't answer for a bit then broke into a tired smile. It was an exhausted smile, but never less a happy smile.

"Congrats man. More power to you." I said, giving him a fist bump. Nick sighed, shaking his head.
"They're homophobic."

"Oh." I mumbled, my shoulders drooped.

We rode in silence for a few minutes, each trapped in their own thoughts.
"Well who cares what they think." I said, staring at the seat in front of me.

"You're what, 24?"


"Dude, you're an adult. Why are you even introducing him to your parents in the first place?!" I asked, turning to him.

Nick ducked his head in shame. "I didn't want to lie them any more." He explained softly.

"So what you're saying is that you love them?"


"So they should love you back. No matter your sexuality." I said with a gentle smile. Nick hesitantly met my eyes, then the corner of his twitched upwards slightly.
But as quick as it appeared, it disappeared.

"But what if they hate me?" He whispered fearfully, mostly to himself.

Gathering up my courage, I placed a hand on his shoulder. "Then it's their loss. Because they weren't able to see how brave their son is for coming out to them."

Nick swallowed, then nodded. "Thanks kid."
I just shrugged in reply, smiling.

"But now it's my turn." Nick said, turning to face me. "What ever your problem is, and by your attire, I'm guessing it's pretty bad."
I glanced down to see my dirty tore jeans, rumpled hoodie and a dark blue wind breaker.

"Just remember to keep a chin up. You seem like a smart kid, you'll figure it out." Nick said, patting my shoulder.

I smiled, then felt pressure build up behind my eyes.
When was the last time an adult had told me something like that?

Nick's stop came, and after waving good bye to me, he left the bus.
Peering out the window, I saw him embrace another young man by the bus stop. So this must be his boyfriend.
I smiled, then leaned back against the seat.

Nick has a love life 10x tougher than mine, and if he could manage a brave face and be able to smile, then so should I.
So suck it up buttercup.

A/N: Well hello there.
I know, haven't seen me in a while.

•You may notice that some of my books are on hold. That's because school is starting again, so I won't have all the time in the world to update all of them. On Hold does not mean I won't update it just means that it might be slow.

•Next chapter is coming soon, hopefully.

Until next time my little riders!

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