Chapter 2: "Stupid Porcupine!"

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Your P.O.V

"I'll choose....Charmander!" I pick up Charmander's pokeball and call him out, the professor smiling at me"Ah the Fiery Charmander, to match your fiery nature, you two will get along well" The professor seemed amused. Me and Charmander were already getting along! Charmander decided to walk with me so I didn't force him back into his pokeball "You ready Charmander? Let's go!" Together me and Charmander ran out of the lab, bumping into a certain someone again. "You again?!?!"

Green's P.O.V
"You just can't keep yourself away from me can you?" I laughed while Y/N was glaring at me. "Whatever porcupine! It's more like you are everywhere I go!" She huffed and I looked down at her smirking. "Well, I see the shrimp finally got her starter!" My Eevee came out of its pokeball and went over to    Y/N. "So, how about it Shrimp? A battle?" She smirked at me. "Obviously Porcupine! But you might wanna admit defeat so you won't embarrass yourself" I looked around, how did I not notice? There was a small crowd around us and I had a reputation to keep. I couldn't lose to her at all! "Sorry Y/N but there's no way I'm losing to you! Let's go Eevee!" Eevee ran in front of me and her Charmander ran infront of her. God she was persistent, we argued almost everyday!

Professor Oak's P.O.V (cuz I can :3)

"Those two are so troublesome, they fight constantly yet they won't admit they are best friends!" I looked out my window watching them laughing. "I wonder what's gonna be next for them? After all they will travel the same path..."

Your P.O.V

"Alright Charmander! Run to Eevee!"
Me and Charmander nodded at each other. I still wonder how Red and Blue are doing, after all they did start their journeys before us! "Eevee use quick attack!" Eevee was running towards Charmander fast. "Ok Charmander use ember when Eevee comes close!" Eevee had taken a big hit. Green had a look of annoyance on his face and I smirked at him. All he did was roll his eyes so I stuck my tongue out at him. "Eevee use scratch!" Charmander got hit, not as big of a hit as ember did though. If I could land one more ember I would win! "Charmander use ember!" It hit! Eevee fainted and green scowled "Eevee return" I tossed him a potion and walked over to him. "You sure you didn't embarrass yourself Porcupine?"
Green huffed. "You just got lucky today Shrimp." He stomped off to the Pokémon center and I just laughed. "Great job Charmander!" Charmander tackle hugged me and I laughed. I had this strange feeling I was being watched though...

Green's P.O.V
"Stupid Shrimp, I can't believe she beat me!" I was sitting in the Pokémon center, waiting for Nurse Joy to bring me Eevee. "Here you go sir! Eevee is all healed!" Nurse Joy gave me eevee's pokeball and Eevee ran to me. "Thanks Nurse Joy" we left and guess who I saw again? "Stupid Y/N..."I muttered, she hadn't noticed me yet. But for some reason I felt that I was being followed...

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