Chapter 12: Broken Peace

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Your P.O.V

"WHY AM I IN THE AIR?!?!" I was hugging my bag as I saw I was on Green's Aerodactyl "GREEN SHIGERU OAK!!! WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE!?!?" All I got in response was laughter. "We left early in the morning and you fell asleep!" I glared at his back, wait back? I was sleeping on him? Note to self:once we land strangle him! "I don't believe you!" He laughed even more, and we were about to land. I saw, my house? Wait, we were in Pallet? "Gramps wanted to see you after you became champion!" I yawned "Ok..." Soon we landed and I ran into my house, my grandparents weren't home but I still had the key. It felt so good to be back! Green went to his house to see Daisy and I went to the lab "Professor Oak! It's so good to see you again!" He looked at me and smiled. I ran over to him and gave him a hug. "Ah, Y/N! You've gotten so much bigger since I last saw you but you haven't changed one bit!" He laughed, it felt good to be home after my long Journey. "So how is my grandson, err Green?" I smiled "Still the same!" He laughed. "Congratulations on being Champion Y/N" he smiled and I smiled back "Thanks Professor! Porcupine said you wanted to talk to me?" He laughed "Yes, and you still call him that? Ah, you two get older but never change,how are your pokemon?" Charizard came out and gave the professor a big hug, almost choking him as I laughed. At that moment Green walked in. "Hey Shrimp, Gramps" "Hey porcupine!" He called out his Umbreon and he ran to the professor. "Both of your pokemon have grown strong, I'm proud of you both!" I beamed at him "Thanks professor! I'm going to go see if my grandparents are home, so I'll see you both later!" I turned to walk out "Also Y/N? Would you like to come over for dinner?" I turned back and smiled "Sure professor! I'll tell my grandparents!" Charizard stayed in the lab to play with Umbreon and the Professor. Mew was really shy so he decided to stay in the house. I opened the door to see my grandparents playing with Mew, actually it was the other way around but I smiled and laughed. "I'm home!" Both my grandparents turned to me and smiled, I went over to them and they both gave me giant bear hugs. They may be old, but they still got their strength! After all they were both retired Pokémon trainers! I told them most details about my story and when I got to the Team Rocket part they pulled me into a hug and cried. I cried to and so did Mew, soon I went to go take a nap.

Professor Oak's P.O.V

"You should tell her Grant, tell her that Team Rocket was looking for her!" I sighed as I talked to Y/N's grandfather. He was a kind man but when it came to Y/N, she was all he had left. Just two days ago Team Rocket had come looking for Y/N and Green. I was happy they came back, because now comes the hard part of their adventure. I was thinking about telling Red as well and Blue was out of region. "Alright Samuel, I will tell her, did you tell Green yet?" "I'm about to" I sighed. So much for them to do and they just got here...but this will smooth out the way for their futures ahead. "I've got to go Samuel, I will talk with you later" "Alright Grant, we will talk later" I turned to see Green "Gramps, why didn't you tell me right away?" I sighed "Green I was going to tell you..." He nodded. And we sat on the couch, my expression grim and his worried. "Well, what happened Gramps?" I sighed "Two days ago, Team Rocket grunts and Lt. Surge had stormed the town, looking for you, Y/N and Mew. They left soon but said they would be back in four days time, we must plan and take them down" Green looked worried and I looked down. "Gramps. We need to make a plan soon" I looked at him and nodded. We had the help of Mew right? Now all we needed was a good plan.

Your P.O.V

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!?!" My grandparents had just finished explaining about Team Rocket. I was sick of them! Couldn't they just leave us alone?!?! My grandfather sighed "Y/N, they will be coming back in two days, during dinner today, we will discuss a plan to stop Team Rocket" My grandfather's sparkle in his eyes disappeared and was replaced with Seriousness. Same with my Grandmother's eyes. "Alright, I'm sick and tired of them, so were my parents. This isn't just for us and Mew, it's to avenge my parents as well!" They both nodded and hugged me. "Sweetheart, you have grown into a fine woman" My grandmother spoke and wiped some tears from her eyes with a handkerchief. In two hours, we start planning. In two hours, our war resumes and in two days, the battle begins. The battle to end this stupid war, this battle to dissolve Team Rocket for good! Mew hugged me and I couldn't help but smile, why couldn't they leave Mew alone to? Daisy had stopped by earlier with Charizard and some cookies, which I was now munching on. "Don't ear to many sweetheart" I chuckled "Yes Grandma!" This is it, the war of good and bad, the war to avenge my  parents, the war to leave me Green and Mew alone, WAIT WHAT?!?! When did Porcupine get into my head? Oh well, during our short time together, he helped me a lot. Honestly I may have said he hasn't changed but he has, now he shows his calmer side more often and he's cu-snap out of it Y/N! Now isn't the time to think about boys! Only food and planning! Then in two days, your family, the Oaks, Mew, and myself would be free!

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