Chapter 23: Lavender

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Nightcore- The Phoenix

Your P.O.V.

This is it, grandpa died two days ago, me and Green decided to start traveling after saying farewell to everyone. We were riding on my Charizard. "Where to first Porcupine?" He smirked, well at least I could feel him smirking behind me. "Lavender town, we are going into the tower" I sighed "Ok? And why there? And do I have to come with?" He chuckled and I swear I could feel a cocky grin on his face, one that I wanted to knock out. "Heh! So the shrimp is scared!" A tick mark appeared on my forehead "Shigeru you better shut up if you know what's good for you!" He laughed and I elbowed him. "Ouch! Hey watch it Shrimp! You don't want to mess up this handsome face!" I mentally facepalmed, he was being cocky, a little to cocky for my taste and I planned on knocking him down a peg. "What handsome face? I don't see one anywhere, all I see is one Egotistic idiotic porcupine ex champion " I ticked him off, and hopefully crushed his ego. I admit- I like, actually love him, but he can be very annoying at times.... "What did you say shrimp?" I felt him getting tick marks on his forehead and I laughed while he growled. "Oh nothing~ just be happy Charizard hasn't dumped you in the lake or light you on fire again!" I kept laughing as we landed in Lavender. This place creeped me out and all I wanted to do was stay in the Pokémon center and watch TV. But no, Porcupine forced me to come with him to the Lavender tower. At night. WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND DOES THAT?! "Stop being such a sissy Shrimp and hurry up" a tickmark appeared on my forehead and I followed him, Charizard out, if he ticked me off further in that tower, I'm lighting him on fire! We reached the entrance of the tower and I made him go in first, him insulting me again but I didn't care. I was never really fond of ghost types and this place is CRAWLING with them. Yay me... "Shrimp we have to head to the top floor" I sighed and nodded "I'll follow your lead Porcupine"
"Sissy" He smirked and I punched him in the shoulder, we were the only ones in the tower, and it was creepy. Suddenly a wind blew, a strong wind with a sour smell. "What was that?" I was shivering since I didn't have a jacket, the Egotistic Porcupine looked tense "Y/N, stay behind me" and I did what he told me to do. But why? I can fend myself right? My body obeyed on its own and the wind soon spiraled around us, a ghost appearing as we neared the stairs "Go back...turn back..." The voice was hollow, and it sounded...dead. I shivered and gripped Green's arm, the voice echoed throughout the dark tower. Green held my hand and I felt heat rush to my cheeks "Don't worry Y/N, I'll keep you safe, just don't let go of my hand ok?" "Yes Green..." I felt something cold on my back and yelped. A scratchy sound was heard nearby and the voice came back "I will make raticate attack if you don't leave now..." The voice boomed this time, the echo staying for a few seconds, Green tended up and I realized, his dead raticate. That's why he would come here a lot...but what and who is this ghost thing? Is it a Pokémon? I took out my pokedex, and all it said was unknown Pokémon. Green looked at me and I looked at him, hiding behind his back scared. I felt something on my shoulder and looked to see a black ghost, and its claw like hand on my shoulder, keeping me away from Green. "Y/N!"
"GREEN! HELP!" I called out for Green and he ran to me but whatever it was dragged me into the air, I yelped. "Leave this place..." The ghost's voice echoed out once more, Green looked panicked, not knowing what to do and took out his Umbreon. The ghost was cold and I was shivering, I felt like I was being scratched by claws and my Charizard came out of its pokeball, and I still don't know how but Mew joined them. When Mew came, the ghost faded it even a Pokémon? Mew had used psychic, and the ghost faded, I fell. Was this the end for me? GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD! Oh wait...did I just land on top of Porcupine? Oh I guess I did. "Y/N...are you alright?" I got off of Green and he looked at me worried. I nodded, still shocked from what just happened. Green picked me up Bridal style and my cheeks felt like lava, hopefully it was to dark for him to notice...he carried me out of the Lavender Tower, followed by the Pokémon. We went to the Pokémon center and he put me down "Y/'re Ghost pale..are you sure you are alright?" He looked at me, no ego, no smart remarks, was he actually worried about me? I sighed "I don't, I don't-" and suddenly everything went black.

Green's P.O.V

She fell and I caught her, Nurse Joy rushed over and I carried her to the clinic inside "What happened to her sir?" Nurse Joy looked at me as she was registering Y/N "What happened? Well Lavender Tower's ghost attacked..." Nurse Joy's eyes widened, "She isn't the first victim sir. Another trainer got attacked when he went in at night" I shook my head and sat down beside
Y/N's bed, hoping she would be alright. She was panting and sweating, her heartbeat immediately beating fast, Nurse Joy had rushed in and put a ice pack on her forehead and she calmed down. "Sir, if it isn't to much trouble, can you please watch her?" I nodded "Sure Nurse Joy, we are travel partners so I have to wait for her anyways" Nurse Joy nodded and when I thought I was alone, I kissed Y/N on the forehead, I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. And I whispered as quietly as I could "I like like you..." I heard something move in the corner and nonetheless, Mew was there, with a photo. I would've chased him around but I didn't want to disturb Y/N

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