Chapter 16:The Battle Pt 2

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~Time skip to a few hours later~
Mew's P.O.V

Where was I? I looked around and let out a gasp in horror as my eyes went wide. I was in that dreaded lab once more. I needed a way to escape but I couldn't. I was in my old test tube! I don't want to be here! My world went pitch black as soon as I felt my energy being drained from me.

Your P.O.V

We broke into the lab and knocked out the guards before they could call back up. Me and Green saw a passed out Mew and a new Pokémon? It emitted strong energy waves. The researchers were gone and I walked up to a table with a file, explaining everything about the mystery creature. "So it's called Mewtwo..." I looked up at Mewtwo.
"Y/N, Mew is in trouble..." Green points at where Mew was located. That tube was draining its energy! I ran up to the tube and rammed into it, getting covered in cuts from the glass. "Shrimp! That was stupid! You alright?" Green helped me up and looked at Mew in my arms. My heart was beating fast, from worry and nervousness. Was Mew going to be alright? Mewtwo's tube started to shake and he awoke. The tube shattered and he came out. Green blocked me and Mew from the incoming shards, gets some bad cuts. "Green! Stupid Porcupine! You didn't have to do that!" Green just smirked at me and nodded. I knew that smirk to well. Right at that moment Giovanni had come in, with no Persian but a whip. "You beast! You obey to me and only me!" He whipped Mewtwo and Mewtwo just caught the whip. A deep voice came from Mewtwo as he spoke. "I obey no one human, you may have created me but I won't obey you" Mewtwo used a psychic power to knock Giovanni on the side and came over to Mew, Green and me. My heart was pounding fast and I looked at Mewtwo, huddling mew close to me. "Human with a pure heart, is this the Pokémon who suffered because of my creation?" I nodded slowly. Green looked at me with worry and I smiled, I don't think Mewtwo would hurt me. Right? Then Mewtwo hugged me and Mew. "This is what humans do when they are sorry, right?" "Yes Mewtwo, I am so sorry you came to be this way..." Mewtwo looked at Me and Mew. "To make up for this suffrage, I shall be your pokemon and guardian. My existence is due to this small Pokémon" To pointed to Mew and I smiled. "Alright Mewtwo, but we must hurry, otherwise Mew might not make it" Green nodded and came over to us and hugged me. "Good job Shrimp" Mewtwo looked confused at us while many grunts came from all around, Mewtwo used the most powerful psychic me or Green saw, wiping them all out.  Then teleporting us into The Oak's house. Pallet was partially destroyed but all the grunts gone. Had we won? My grandparents hugged me and Professor Oak and Daisy hugged Green. "We won!" I cheered and everyone joined in. Mewtwo had taken Mew to the couch.

Mewtwo's P.O.V

This creature was the one used to create me from pain. Humans. They caused this. But they are filled with emotion. I can feel most in this room have a pure heart, one I am wary of is that girl similar to the green eyed boy who saved me. I must understand these emotions to better understand humans. Would I "enjoy" my time here?

Green's P.O.V

We did it. We finally did it! Team Rocket has been defeated, all of the Pokémon were resting while we were sitting in the lab talking. I looked at the shrimp, felt my face turn hot, and look away. What the hell was I doing? Nobody does this to Green Oak! "So Miss Shrimp, what are you going to do now? I'm going to be helping Gramps" She looked at me, her E/C orbs shining.  "Well, I'm not sure but I'll be staying in Pallet for a while to relax, and help restore the town." She points outside at the half destroyed town and I nodded. "Yea you're right Shrimp, what's funny is you're still really short from that time we started traveling together" She rolled her eyes. "Shut up Porcupine!" Everyone but me and her laughed then they looked at us. We looked at each other in confusion, as the kept laughing, and we turned away, she had a slight blush and so did I. It was kind of awkward after I realized that. Then I remembered the day of the Pokémon league. She wouldn't want me anyways, but why am I so nervous? Because I'm an idiot who needed help realizing I loved someone.

Your P.O.V

I Wonder why they were laughing. I yawned. "Can I go sleep in the guest room?" "Sure! Go ahead Y/N!" Professor Oak said with a smile. I nodded at him and went upstairs. I crashed on the bed. My heart was beating fast from when me and Green looked at each other, that same feeling when I had around Red when we were younger. Red had gone back to the mountains, and I tried to sleep. All I could think about was my adventure with Green. I tossed and turned but no matter how tired I was I couldn't sleep, until my body gave in shortly after.

Professor Oak's P.O.V

"Perfect! Tomorrow shall be the party!" Y/N and my grandson. They make a perfect pair and don't even know it! I know Samantha and Samuel agree with me. I wonder what the future holds for those two...Mew and Mewtwo, I think, were sleeping in the living room. These past days have been strange and eventful. Mewtwo would be staying with Y/N but we must rebuild part of their house first. I was still chatting with Y/Na grandparents before we broke up and went to our rooms for the night. Tomorrow was the day of the surprise party for Y/N and Green

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