Chapter 18:The Party!

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Your P.O.V

Everyone was here! Champions from other regions, and some more fellow trainers as well. I was looking around in awe, was this actually the lab? I was kind of nervous, actually really nervous, since so many important people here. There was Steven Stone, Diantha, Iris, Cynthia, and more! I went to the punch table and saw...Green. "Hey Porcupine, can you move? I want a drink" Green looked down at me and I felt a small blush creep up my face. "Sure Shrimp, want me to help you reach the punch bowl?" He laughed and I huffed. Why did I have to be shorter then him? "I'm fine Porcupine. I may be small but I can't still beat you in a battle!" I hugged and he laughed. "Last time I checked, I was stronger" He smirked and I rolled my eyes, "Last time I checked, I am champion and you're the former!" A tick mark appeared on his head as I poured me some punch and walked away, I went over to Blue and Daisy. "Y/N! We want you to meet a friend of ours! His name is Gold!" They were speaking in unison again, which made me worry. "Hey Gold." He smiled at Me while Mew finally came out and was flying right beside me. "Hello Y/N! I heard you became champion?" I smiled, Gold was pretty polite,unlike Porcupine. "Yup! I'm the champion!" He winked at me"Well then Y/N, they were right about the new champion being beautiful!" I giggled and blushed a bit "Aww Thankyou Gold!"

Green's P.O.V

I had seen enough, the shrimp doesn't belong with that Gold guy! I walked over to them, "Hello Porcupine!" Gold laughed. "Porcupine? That seems fitting!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed Y/N "Er I'll be back later ok Gold?" Gold nodded while I dragged off Y/N. "let me go Porcupine!" "No shrimp, what were you doing with Gold?" She rolled her eyes and I let her go while a slow song played in the background. "I was talking to him! What's wrong with that? " I looked at her and scoffed. "You don't need to be with that guy, got it?" She glared at me and I just rolled my eyes. "Jeez why do you care Porcupine?" She looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. "None of your concern Shrimp!" I huffed and she shrugged. Then, Mew came again, and pushed us together with his psychic power, making us dance to the slow song. Now that I was looking at Y/N, she was beautiful in her dress. I looked away and glared at Mew. "Let us go Mew! Jeez!" Mew shook his head while Y/N looked around and saw people taking videos and pictures then sweatdrop. "Mew, Daisy, and Blue! You guys planed this didn't you!?!?" Y/N hugged while blushing slightly, most probably from embarrassment. "Yup!" The two pesky women spoke in unison and it was creepy, very creepy. "Mew!" Mew giggled and flew above us as it continued to make us dance. Mental note: get Mew after the party. Blue and Daisy continued taking pictures and Mew made me twirl Y/N. at this point, we had everyone's attention and a scowling Red and Gold. What's wrong with those two idiots? 

Your P.O.V

This was....awkward. Mew had controlled us and made us dance, I felt a blush creep up on my face and glared at Blue and Daisy, who confessed to their plan. I couldn't get mad at Mew, it was to cute! But Daisy and Blue? Totally. I mean I didn't mind this, but err dancing with a rival? Who's also your crush? That's awkward, really awkward. Not just that, almost everyone was watching while Blue and Daisy were fangirling and taking pictures. Why me? "Mew, please let us go?" Mew giggled. "Come on Mew! Listen to the Shrimp and let us go!" Mew just looked at the two of us and giggled again. Me and Green glanced at each other sweat dropping. What was he planning now? Right at that moment when we looked at each other, Mew made us hug. HUG! I felt like I was blushing like a idiot, well Green was and it was funny yet adorable..."Mew! Let me go!!" We both said in unison, Mew sighed and finally let us go as soon as the slow songs ended. "Um, I'm going outside for some um air" Green nodded, still in shock from Mew and had a tick mark on his head. I just went outside and leaned against the wall, staring up at the stars.

Blue's P.O.V

"Daisy we did it!!!" I hugged Daisy and she hugged back. "Now all we got to do is get those two together! Perhaps a little game?~" Daisy smirked and I smirked back "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Daisy and me smiled. "Of course Blue, of course!"

Your P.O.V

I heard footsteps approaching and turned my head to see Red. "Hey Red!" He smiled back at me and leaned against the wall looking at me. His eyes shone an emotion I hadn't seen in him for a while, happiness. Green had joined us shortly after. Once more it was the Pallet Trio here. There was a peaceful silence in the air till Blue came out. "Hey Lovebirds! You guys are coming with me and Daisy for a game!" All three of us got tick marks "NOT LOVE BIRDS!" Me and Green shouted in unison while Red glared, Blue just giggled and dragged us inside, some other guests were staying like Gold, Crystal, and Steven. "Uh oh..." Red knew what was happening to. "What is it Shrimp? You look spooked" Blue glared at me with a look that said 'don't tell or else' I gulped and sweatdropped. "You'll find out soon enough Porcupine.." he huffed. "Ok Shrimp...but are we going to need to escape?" Red raised and eyebrow and looked at Green and Me his eyes giving off the 'are you seriously asking that?' Look. "Maybe Porcupine...maybe" He gulped. So basically we were prisoners, trapped in Blue and Daisy's game. How fun...

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