Chapter 17:Party Prep

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Your P.O.V

"Daisy!?!? Wait wha!-" Right now Daisy was trying to get me to put on a F/C dress that went up to my knees. "Come on Y/N! You'll look so pretty!~" I sighed and gave up. Honestly, she's done this before multiple times so I won't even ask why. Most of the time she's does it just to make me wear a dress oh well. I go into the bathroom and change. I looked at myself in the mirror. "Y/N!! You. Look. Amazing!!!" Daisy was squealing and I laughed. "Thanks Daisy!" Then a heard a familiar laugh, was it Blue? "Y/N!!!!! You look amazing!!!!!" Blue tackle hugged me to the ground and I hugged her back while Daisy laughed. "It's been to long Blue!" We both got up. Blue was wearing a knee length, full sleeve, red dress. Daisy was wearing a floral shirt and blue skirt, why was everyone dressed up?

~With the boys~

"NO!  LET GO OF ME!" Green was struggling as Professor Oak and Red tried to get him to put on a suit, which Green refused to wear. "Green Shigeru Oak! Put this on or else!" Professor Oak was getting annoyed as Red remained emotionless. "No! Gramps I don't want to!" Red sighed and shoved Green into the closet with the suit. Green sighed and pounded on the barricaded closet door. "LET ME OUT!!! IM NOT DRESSING UP FOR NO REASON!" Red laughed and Professor Oak shook his head as Green was struggling in the closet. After about 10 minutes, Green got tired and given up, putting on the suit. He came out and had a tick mark on his head. "You look good Green" Professor Oak nodded. "WHY THE HELL DO I HAVE TO DRESS UP?!?!" Red laughed "you will know in a while Green"

~With the girls~

"Y/N! You've gotta at least put on foundation!" Blue and Daisy we're backing Y/N into a wall. "No! I'm fine I don't want any make up!" Blue pouted. Y/N had locked herself in the bathroom while Daisy and Blue sighed. "Why is she the strongest of us again?" Blue asked while Daisy tried to open the lock. "I don't know Blue, I don't know but she's stubborn so I guess no make up..." Blue nodded. "You're right Daisy, but plan get them together is a go right?" Daisy giggled, "of course Blue! This party won't be a success till we do that!" 

~Three Hours earlier with everyone but a sleeping Y/N and Green~

"Red, Blue! Glad you two can make it!" Professor Oak was hanging up a banner. "It's good to be back Professor! I brought decorations! And food!" Blue pointed to her Venasaur behind her, carrying the items. Red Blue and Professor Oak started putting up decorations and prepping the food right away. Daisy came with a dress and suit for Y/N and Green. "I've got these! But we've got a lot of work, getting these two to wear these..." Daisy shuddered and Blue nodded. "Me and red will take care of Green, Daisy and Blue you two take care of Y/N" Professor Oak said, finally done with the banner. Blue and Daisy looked at each other and smirked. Red was wide eyed, this look they gave was known to well, especially when those two had a plan, a plan of shipping people. Professor Oak laughed "I'll be inviting more people like the champions of other regions and some of my friends' grandchildren will be coming" Red nodded, staying emotionless while the two other girls squealed in excitement.

Your P.O.V (current time)

"Where are you guys taking me?" I was blindfolded and just got done tasting some cakes. What was going on? "You'll see Y/N!" Daisy and Blue spoke in unison and that scared me. What were they planing?

Green's P.O.V

"Lemme go Ravenhead and gramps!" I was struggling and blindfolded. These two were crazier then I thought! (*Pouts* Bad Green! *Bonks Green on the head and poofs away*)  We arrived at a place with lots of talking and squeals. It better not have been my sister and that pesky woman plus the Shrimp because if it was, it would be strange. Daisy and Blue together scared the hell out of me! So this wasn't going to end good...My blindfold was never removed but I could feel that I was walking on carpet and onto a couch? Where we in my living room again? I heard even louder squeaks from above and it hurt my ears like crazy. Women, I'll never understand them!

A/N- Sorry for the crappy filler chapter guys X3 for a while I won't be able to post a lot since I'm out and I'm sorry! *Bows*

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