29:"I love you"

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Your P.O.V

"Y/N, I love you" My heart beat fast and I blinked, my face was on fire and Green looked away "I-its ok if you don't love me back-" I cut him off with a quick peck on the lips, and watched hin turn red "I-I like- no I love you so much Shrimp" I could hear scowls from the distance, probably those obsessive fangirls again, oh well. Green looked at me and we leaned our faces in, going for another kiss, warm and gentle once more.
"Baka thought I liked Red didn't you~"
"S-shut up Shrimp"
"Nah I'm good Porcupine, hehe" I touched noses with him and smiled, I felt relieved, yet excited he had the same feelings. We went outside and walked around ,holding hands, before sitting on a bench under the stars.
"Yes Green?"
"I'm sorry..."
"I told you already, you-"
"No I mean I'm sorry I always acted jerky towards you..." He touched his forehead with mine and I blushed.
"It's fine Green!"
"You always say that...I'm never sure if it's-" I cut him off abruptly with a kiss and smiled, Green blushed hard and looked away "W-whatever Shrimp..."
"Oh shush"
"Never Porcupine!" I giggled and he faced me then kissed my lips roughly, I turned glowstick and looked away. Green smirked
"Made ya shush"
"Whatever Porcupine" I shook my head and laughed, green holding my hand
"You know, I always thought there was something strange about you..."
I giggled "As in that I love you?"
"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't" Green touched noses with me once more and picked me up bridal style "Now, let's ditch this boring place for somewhere exciting!"
"What is it?"
"What about Red?"
"It's ok, just tell him you got sick or something!"
"A-alright..." I nodded and yawned, Green kissed my forehead "Looks like the Shrimp is tired~"
"Perhaps..." I nuzzled into his chest, causing Green to turn red as he stroked me "You want ice cream?" I looked at him, grinning childishly "Heck yeah!" He chuckled "That's one way to get you up, let's go, my treat!"
"Y-you sure?"
"Of course!" I smiled "O-okie!" He kept carrying me towards the nearest ice cream shop "You can put me down if you want..."
"Nah it's ok, you're a very light shrimp"
"B-Baka!" I huffed and pouted, causing Green to laugh. I guess he will never change, right? I sighed and the ice cream shop came in sight, I looked at Green's face, somehow he didn't break out into a sweat "I'm handsome aren't I?~" he raised his eyebrows and I blushed hard "P-perhaps!"
"Made ya blush again" He stuck his tongue out
"W-whatever" I pouted "Let's just go get ice cream!"
"Sure Shrimp" Green laughed lightly and we went in, he put me down and I childishly looked at all the different flavors, Green started to order "Let me get a two scoop, mint chocolate chip and shrimp what do you want?"
"Errm...I'll take a two scoop (favorite flavor)" Green ruffled my hair and I pouted as he paid, the cashier gave us our ice cream cones and we sat at one of the cabooses. "Thanks Green"
"You're welcome Y/N" he smiled and we ate our ice cream "Hey Green? Can I try yours and you try mine?" He smirked "Sure Y/N~"
"Sweet!" I smiled and Green ruffled my hair again "Very, I know a way that we can try them both at once"
"What's that?"
"I'll just show you~" Green's smirk grew as he leaned towards me, I was blushing hard, our lips met in a gentle and romantic kiss. Blood rushes to my face even more and Green laughed "You look like a tomato!" I puffed out my cheeks and then smirked "You look like one too!"
"W-whatever!" I giggled as I continued eating my ice cream, making my way to the cone. Green was already almost done with his but then he suddenly flinched and whined "I got brainfreeze damnit..." I laughed "Karma!" He pulled me close, and I could feel my face turning an even darker shade of red.  "I feel like I need to warm up"
"You can't say you don't like it!" He laughed and I side hugged him, "That's true" giggling. Green yawned and so did I "Yawns are contagious..."
"Yes they are Y/N" he stroked me and planted a kiss on my forehead. "Shall we get going now?"
"Your choice Green" I nuzzled him, luckily my redness going down. "I still have to get you home to your Grandmother"
"True..." I sighed, I didn't want this night to end at all, no matter how rough it was at first.
Charizard's pokeball started to shake and Charizard came out and grunted, examining Green, Green sweat dropped smiled at Charizard "Uh hi?" Mew had appeared as well, sitting on the table and eating whatever ice cream was left, I giggled, looking at Mew, Green huffed "Hey! Leave that ice cream alone!" Green tried grabbing Mew but Charizard picked up Green and smirked, I sighed "Mew! Charizard! Stop!" Mew and Charizard looked at me then Charizard set down Green who growled at Charizard. Charizard growled back while I sighed "Boys...I except Mew to pull something like this, but you too?!" I pouted and Charizard shrugged, Mew giggled and sat on my head, pawing at me, I giggled as well "Well, I can't be mad at you guys!" Green just watched "I should try that when you're mad too..."
"You aren't a Pokémon, Porcupine!" I kissed Green's cheek
"Well, we are here" Green patted my head as we arrived infront of my house.
"Yeah...tonight was fun" I smiled
"Yes it was, it was really amazing"
"Best you ever had?"
"My Porcupine!" I giggled and kissed his cheek, causing him to blush
"And my shrimp!" He picked me up and kissed my forehead, turning me into a glowstick
"Well, thank you for the magical night"
"No problem Shrimp, speaking of which..."
"Meet me at my place around 2, okie?"
"Erm okie?"
"It's a surprise!"
"I'll be waiting porcupine" I giggled and hugged him, before entering my house

A/N I know, you guys must hate me for not updating for a super long time *Dodges tomatoes and swords and throwing stars and more dangerous weapons* But it's sad to say this book is coming to a close, I believe there's only going to be a two or three more chapters, because I don't wanna bore everyone with the same old date thing
Speaking of date, any ideas from you guys for the next chapters? Cause idk what a first date would be like XP and besides, it should be to your liking cause it's about you and Green, I'll take the most popular idea and make a chapter ASAP (That's why I won't release another chapter with this, I'll give one day for votes and everything then start working right away on the new chapter!)

ALSO WE HIT 4K READS!!! WOOHOO ARIGATÖ EVERYONE! My book couldn't have made it this far with out the help of my precious followers and readers :3 *Bows and faceplants* I'm ok!

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