25: April Fools~

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Nightcore- Human

Your P.O.V

Me and Green had left in the morning, now we stay at the pokemon center in Fuchsia City. "Ready guys? Get in position!" It was April fools and my Pokémon and I are gonna hardcore prank Green, prank him so hard it'll be worse then a Charizard's flame! And more funny of course, he won't know what hit him!

Green's P.O.V

She won't know what hit her! I'm getting my payback on the shrimp, she's done to much! And ruined half of my clothes with that Charizard of hers! This'll be fun "Mew! Put that over there! Team! Get in your positions! I think I hear Y/N coming!" I grabbed the hose and waited. Y/N came around the corner and I went up to her "Hey Shrimp" I smirked and she rolled her eyes "Hello porcupine, what's up?" I bent down to look her in the eye and her checks tinted- wait, her cheeks tinted pink?! What?! What does this mean?! (Baka!!!!) She huffed and Mew came and sat on her head "Mew!" Y/N laughed and tickled Mew while Aerodactyl came in, spilling flour on her "PORCUPINE!!" Mew flew away and she took a step towards me, Umbreon giggled and put his paw on a bag of flour, covering her more and slightly covering me as well. "Umbreon! I wasn't supposed to get covered!" Umbreon snickered and I sighed. An angry Y/N kept glaring at me and I put the hose over her, she looked at it curiously for a second, she looked adorable like that! "You and your Pokémon need to cool off" I pressed the nozzle and sprinkled her in water. She got covered in goopy flour and I laughed, Mew laughed giving high fives to all my Pokémon, "SCREW YOU PORCUPINE! ITS ON NOW!"
Y/N huffed and stomped away, I sweat dropped "What's going to happen to me?" Mew and my team sweat dropped, staying silent. It was very hot for a April day so I took off my shirt and sprayed myself with the hose. Some girls were walking by and one just randomly dropped I went over to the fence and looked at her friend, who was Tomato red. Is the heat that bad? "Hey miss, is your friend alright? Why don't you take her to Nurse Joy, heat might be to hot" She nodded "Y-y-yes G-g-green" Her friend got up and she helped her walk inside the Pokémon center. How did she- oh wait, former champion...(Boys: They never understand girls
Girls: never understand boys
*Facepalm*) I went back to my Pokémon and we sat down in the shade under a tree, Mew was giggling and Umbreon shook his head. "What? Did I do something wrong?" Umbreon and Mew looked at each other and laughed. I sighed and leaned my head against the tree trunk. "Is Y/N going to get payback on me?" They looked st each other again then they both gave me the 'are you kidding?! Of course she is!' Face.

Y/N's P.O.V

"Ok guys! Change in plans!" I finallly got all that goop out of my hair! And then I go out to see Green taking off his shirt and spraying himself with the hose! Why are you making it so hard for me to get payback on you Porcupine?! Why now?! Ugh well I went out again and found the Porcupine my Pokémon followed me out and went into their new positions. I went directly in front of Green and it was really hard not to blush, well my face felt like it was burning, either it's the heat or it's the Porcupine. "Hey Porcupine~" his Pokémon immediately scattered away and Mew smiled. The Porcupine kept his eyes closed and tilted his head in my direction "Hmm?", and in that time he was covered in a pink sparkly liquid- body glitter spray! I ran laughing "SHRIMP GET BACK HERE! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" He chased, just as expected and Charizard's tail hit Green, lighting his pants on fire. Green ran "HOLY ARCEUS SHRIMP! WHAT THE HECK?!" I grabbed the hose and sprayed him, putting out the fire before Nurse Joy saw. "Not my fault you let Charizard's tail hit you~" I fell down laughing and Green picked me up "Wah! Porcupine put me down!"
"Let me go!"
"No!" He was walking somewhere but I couldn't see, but my face was blushing hard, I felt it! Ugh damn you Porcupine! Then suddenly I'm tossed down, into water? HE DUNKED ME INTO THE POOL! I swam up to the surface and puffed out my cheeks, Green was laughing and I pulled his ankle without thinking, dragging him in but instead "Mmf!?" Our lips met roughly and I enjoyed it, well the few seconds it lasted, our Pokémon watched and were laughing while we swam away from each other and stayed in the pool awkwardly "Umm sorry?" I spoke sheepishly as Green had a dark blush on his face, I must've had one on mine to. Wait a second, how was I supposed to get out of the pool?

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