Chapter 13: The plan

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Your P.O.V

Everyone was eating, but it was dead silent. The only noises that were heard were from the Pokémon talking to each other. Coming up with a plan was harder then we thought. I stood up with an idea, a crazy one but it could work. "Most of their grunts have Rattata and such, the only ones we have to worry about are Giovanni and the uppers. Grandma, Grandpa? Are you willing to battle again? Daisy you to? Me and Green can train your pokemon!" Everyone looked at me, then at each other. It was making me nervous till Daisy spoke up. "Y/N! It's an amazing idea! Your pokemon are already strong and we've got Mew as well! This can work! I will totally lend you my Pokémon!" I smiled and there was a knock on the door. "Thanks Daisy and I'll go get it!" I went to the door and opened it to see Red? He came down from the mountain? "Red!!!" I hugged him as tight as I could and he laughed. I heard Daisy say"Jealous?" from the dining room, don't know why though. I dragged Red by the hand to the dining room "Red's here!" He showed us a note that said:
They are already aiming for Pallet Town. That's why I came down, to protect everyone even if they don't need it. Y/N and Green, I'll need your help. Professor Oak called and said you were making a plan "That's bout right Red, since everyone finished why don't we go to the living room?" We all just nodded and sat in the living room. "So me and Green are gonna train Daisy's and my Grandparents' Pokémon to help fight off!" Red nodded and Green rolled his eyes. "It isn't safe at your house right now Y/N so you can stay with me Green and Daisy! You to Red!" Me and Red nodded in thanks, smiling at Professor Oak's offer.

Green's P.O.V

Why the hell does the raven have to stay? Why am I so angry when Y/N hugs him? I don't know but I'm pissed! Well, I guess us three are the ones training the Pokémon now. Y/N's Grandparents' Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Machamp, Raichu, and Espeon were already in good shape so they didn't need much training. Daisy's pokemon, they haven't battled in a while and don't have much experience so me and Y/N will work on her Pokémon while Red just warm-ups Y/N's Grandparents' pokemon. Something's up and I want him away from Y/N. I've grown quite attached to her these past few weeks that we've spent together. Do I care for the shrimp? Even if I said no chance at the Pokémon league? Karma is annoying... "Earth to Porcupine!" "Hmm? Oh sorry, just lost in thought" Y/N smiled. "It's alright, well I'm staying in your guest room, Red is staying with you. We wake up early tomorrow and begin! Daisy's Pokemon are healthy and eager to learn!" I smiled at her eagerness, she was determined I'll give her that. "Alright Y/N, well go get some sleep you Shrimp or you will fall asleep in the middle of the day!" I laughed and she rolled her eyes. "Whatever Porcupine!" She went upstairs to the guest room, leaving me with Gramps "You better take care of her Green!" He laughed and headed into his room, leaving me there completely confused. Mew had left with the Shrimp's Grandparents. It was gonna be a busy day, I headed into my room at the same time as red "You're sleeping on the floor ravenhead!" Then he pointed to me and I pointed back. It went on for some while till he yawned and shrugged. He slept on the air mattress on the floor while I slept in my bed, there was something in my pocket. Y/N's bracelet? How did that get in my pocket? Most probably that pesky Mew...Mew and the pesky woman are exactly the same! I was tired but couldn't sleep, cold yet sweating. Was I nervous? What if I can't keep that promise I made to Y/N? What if I let Gramps down? What if I let everyone down? After maybe about an hour or so of tossing and turning and red throwing the nearest object to him at me, I fell asleep.

Your P.O.V

"Wow that girl thinks she's someone? Green is! She isn't! I mean she doesn't even have parents! I bet they didn't even want her!" Kids would say stuff like that all the time when I walked with Green and Red to Trainer school. Green never did anything but Red stood up for me and those girls always instantly shut up. I wouldn't let them see my tears, they hadn't know what I've been through, Green didn't know either. Red, my best friend was the only one besides my Grandparents who knew. Sometimes I felt alone, like an outcast. Maybe I actually was one? I was being surrounded, the kids saying things like "Rejected" and "Nobody"

~Flashback End~

I jolted up. It was all just a bad dream, I wiped away the tears that rimmed my eyes. I tried to go back asleep but I couldn't. All I could do was think about how my next two days would be like and, surprisingly, that stupid Porcupine! Why couldn't I get him out of my mind? Why don't I blush around Red anymore? I used to have a big crush on red but not anymore. Now he seemed like a big brother, but why? I still couldn't sleep. I was tired but couldn't sleep, cold yet sweating. What had gotten into me? My heart was beating fast. Was I nervous? What if let everyone down? What if I can't avenge my parents? No, I couldn't think about those things! I knew we could do it! The Oaks, Me,Mew, my grandparents, and All of our amazing Pokemon. We needed to get rid of Team Rocket! Yea...after about an hour of tossing and turning I finally drifted off into a light sleep

A/N~ See what I did there? ;3

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