❁ Being ROYALS

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I'm very sorry everyone for the very late update. O.O School was hard and sadistic. But anyway, here's the next chapter of Breaking the Cinderella Rules :D This is going to be a new start to a new conflict.. I'm sorry if I'm making people confused about the thousands of conflicts I'd prepared o.o But anyway, the moment when Ash and Cinder will be reunited is very close... like super close.. like 10 more chapters xD AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 45 VOTES FOR THE LAST CHAPTER :D IT'S BEEN AMAZING <3 AND WE'RE ALMOST REACHING 10,000 VIEWS! I LOVE YOU ALL.

Chapter 16—Being ROYALS


For the first time in forever, Allison was grounded. The fact that she was grounded was pleasing to me, and I never thought this day could happen. I have never seen Tiana so angry before. When they returned home, Tiana flashed an annoyed look at me, and I smiled as she started to yell at her daughter.

 Another smile crept up my face when I saw Allison storm into her room. She was the one who caused trouble all those time, and yet, I was always blamed for it. Now, it was her turn to take the fault, the blame.

The next day, school was horribly tiring, and Ash was terribly quiet, unlike his usual self who preferred to tease me all the way to school. For the first time since we met, we didn’t even fight for the steeing wheel to get to school, and I could sense Ryan was relieved that his life was not on the line, at least for today. I wondered why Ash and I were even friends. We’ve met for a few days, two days to be exact, and it felt like we’ve been friends for years.

Ash didn’t mind if he had to drop me off after school, and Ryan was always there to entertain us all the way with his lame jokes. Sometimes, I could see a hint of a smile pulling on the corners of Ash's lips, but then, that smile would turn back into its usual straight line, a passive emotionless look.

When I got home, I was greeted by Fake Mason slash Andrew Evans. I didn’t even know if he was actually invited by my stepmother. After he told me to join my father’s business, he disappeared completely. I was just about to get him a cup of coffee when he literally vanished out of thin air. Now I was starting to wonder if he was just a figment of my imagination.

Unlike the other days, the gate to my house was opened today. Andrew Evans leaned on the gate as he texted on his mobile phone. Then, an idea formed in my head. I walked gingerly towards him, wary that my footsteps would give away where I was. He seemed to tense for while, and I stopped, wondering if he realized I was there. As soon as he relaxed, I stealthily crept forward. But by the time I was a meter away from him, his eyes flickered towards me, a smile brightening on his face.

“I could sense you since a minute ago,” he declared. “You’re trying to surprise me, correct?”

Pouting, I nodded, disappointed that I failed to scare him. “What are you doing here?” I asked.

He grinned. “I met your stepmom yesterday—“

“Why did you perish yesterday?” I bombarded.

“I’m busy? I have work to do, and I had to talk to your stepmother. I had to convince her on something related to potential future jobs,” he admitted. “And to help you sneak into the business. Yeah, it’s pretty complicated, but that’s my job. Your job is to just be careful and follow my guidance.”

I was not satisfied. “And you left me without saying goodbye? I didn’t know that you had excellent manners,” I said sarcastically.

He snorted. “I’m sorry. I’m just busy.” He shook his head and reached out his hand to grab an envelope in his jeans pocket. The envelope was folded into two, and the white surface was tainted with thousands of creases. I eyed it curiously as he handed it to me.

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