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"What are we going to do?" Seokjin's eye are wide, and his lips were pouty. Such wonderful sight see for everyone.

Namjoon can't hide his smile, he's looking in the elder's face and silently wished that he look stunning like his hyung when he's wearing his Seokjin-stunned-face.

"What are you thinking will do hyung? Huh?" He asked teasingly. The elder avoid the tempting-slash-teasing gaze of Namjoon. He knows the younger were playing with him. "Stop teasing me Namjoon." He rolled his eyes. It's Namjoon's first time seeing Seokjin being sassy. The adorable sassy not the bitchy one.

"You're funny when you're being like that hyung." he use the word funny instead of cute 'cause he know there will be an awkward atmosphere if he says that Seokjin is cute. "Now you're starting to make fun of me. My soon-to-be-partner will bully me in the future." Seokjin said dramatically. The 'soon-to-be-partner' came out naturally to him. He's now comfortable with Namjoon and finally ended the guilt phase.

"You're exaggerating hyung. Now seriously we really need to talk, about this and that." He explained. He straighten his posture while holding his neglected beer. "so hyung now that you've seen my apartment, where do you prefer to live?" he asked. Seokjin starts to observe again his apartment. He's taking his time to think the pros and cons of both apartment. After few minutes he finally made his decision.

"I prefer your apartment. You have two bedroom right? I'll just bring things that we'll need here from my apartment. Jungkook will graduate from high school next week, and I want him to live in my apartment instead of living in dormitory. He'll study in our university too." He said excitedly. "I'm afraid, he'll ruin my precious apartment. That boy is so messy. Messier than you Namjoon, believe me."

Namjoon feels quite out of place, for Seokjin keep talking to himself about this Jungkook. Who is he? "Hyung, who is..Who is Jungkook?" he ask. The younger finally got his hyung's attention back. "Oh? Jungkook? He's my baby." He said with big smile in his lips.

'Baby huh? Maybe he's his boyfriend.' He said to himself. He quite feel uncomfortable with the idea. It is his first time being with he assumed a homosexual guy. It is uncomfortable for him. But he needs to be sure. He needs to ask the question that can change everything between them. He felt nervous. But he needs to know or everything will be a mess, he thinks.

"Hyung, may I ask you something?" he ask, his hand kept fidgeting and his eyes can't look to Seokjin. Half of what he's feeling right now is it's embarrassing, like he wanted the floor of his apartment to swallow him whole. And the other half were fear.

"Are you gay? sorry I mean h-homosexu-" "Yes, are you homophobic?" he's really shocked on how blunt Seokjin's way of answering his question. It takes him a minute to process Seokjin's question. "YE- NO! hyung! I mean, I- I don't know. I've never been with homosexual before. It's new." He answered honestly.

The older keep himself from laughing, Namjoon is so cute looking like a child who broke an expensive vase. He's looking down and scratching his couch.

"It's okay Namjoon, at least you didn't run away." He smiled. 'Run away? Why would I run away?' Namjoon thinks. "Honestly I'm afraid that you'll be disgusted when you know that I'm different."

"Hyung, that's so mean. Why would I be disgusted with your sexuality? I mean, you didn't do anything wrong, so why should I hate you?" there's a lot of question in his mind about people like Seokjin. It's new to him so it's natural to be confused or at least ask questions. It is much better than Seokjin imagined.

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