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The party starts after the ceremony. Seokjin's eyes were twinkling after he laid his eyes with the different dishes served in the table. He really planned to taste each of every dish in the buffet table.

He's choosing what dish he will eat first when someone approached him.

Of course eating peacefully will be just a dream. With a heavy heart he put down his plate to entertain his guests.

"Congratulations Seokjin-sshi." He recognized the man in front of him. He's one of his dads associate, but he didn't know him personally.

"Thank you Mr. Bang. I'm glad you came. " He half heatedly greeted. He's really itching to grab his plate again but he doesn't want to be rude with his guest.

They made a small talk. Seokjin is paying small attention with Mr. Bang because he really really want to eat.

He excused himself to Mr.Bang, hoping that he'll finally able to eat but he's dreaming.

Walking to the buffet table, Seokjin met his dad.

"Abeoji." He said and bow. His frustration were piling up at the moment. First he can't eat now he need to talk with this awful man.

"What is he doing here?" Mr. angrily asked, pointing his finger to Jungkook quietly sitting in one of the table. "Just please leave him alone abeoji, He's one of my best friend and I want him to be here. Just ignore him." Seokjin pleaded. He doesn't really know why his father hates Jungkook that much. Jungkook is rebellious at times, but he's sweet and caring especially with Seokjin.

"He shouldn't be here. That useless child should know his place!" Mr. Jeon scolded. He tried his best to modulate his voice, not wanting to make a scene in front of important people in the business world.

"Stop it abeoji, I will not allow you to insult my friend like that. If you don't have anything nice to say, I'll get going." He said. He's tired. No, not just tired. He's exhausted with his father's attitude very time they talk.

"Is that how you talk to your father? Huh? Such a disrespectful child." Mr. Jeon said shaking his head.

Seokjin is losing his patience with his father. 'Me? Disrespectful? Then what are you?' he thought. They glared each other. Seokjin want to punch his father's face. But he remembered that he is a civilized man, with manners and strong stand against violence. So he exhaled and meditate. He won't let his father ruin such a good mood. This is his wedding party. His. And no one can ruin that. Even his overly mean dad.

Namjoon finally found his husband, he's looking for Seokjin because Hoseok were so demanding on meeting the elder. He found his hyung near the buffet table, talking with his dad, hanging his head low. He know Seokjin isn't so pleased to talk with his dad right now.

He walked across the room to go to Seokjin's side. "Hi hyung. Hi abeoji." The greeted. Seokjin jolted as he felt Namjoon's hand in his waist.

"Are you enjoying the party abeoji?" He want to divert Mr. Jeon attention to him so he'll leave Seokjin alone.

"Oh Namjoon, oh yeah your mom did a great job organizing this wedding." Seokjin's eye brow twitch in annoyance. One second he's so angry and now he's playing like an innocent kitten. "I'm glad you like our wedding abeoji, but I need to borrow my husband for a while. Please excuse us." He bowed to Mr. Jeon and walked away still holding Seokjin protectively.

"Thanks Joonie." Seokjin is mentally exhausted and forget about the food. "You okay hyung? Do you want to go back to your room?" He ask. The elder is so pleased for care and attentiveness Namjoon is giving to him today. He always ask if Seokjin is comfortable or alright. He's sure, Namjoon's future girlfriend will be so lucky to have the younger as his boyfriend or husband.

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