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A week later, Jungkook finally left their apartment and Namjoon thank all the gods that the younger brat finally left. He'll finally feel comfortable with his own house. He can finally eat without feeling the piercing gaze of the younger and hearing his sarcastic remarks towards him.

Their days living together became strangely normal. They develop a routine they followed. Everyday Seokjin will make meals for the two of them, Wash the dishes and clean their apartment if needed. All Namjoon did is clean the bathroom. Because bathroom is the only room that doesn't have things that can be broken by his destroying powers.

Their life is normal but strange. Seokjin can feel the tension between them, or should he say tension from Namjoon. The younger became quiet, he do keep his distance with Seokjin and the elder doesn't know any reason why he did that. But he do respect Namjoon's action and doesn't want to push the younger into an uncomfortable situation so he keep quiet. But then, Namjoon is being like this for two freaking weeks and Seokjin is close of being mad.

So he decided to break the thin glass separating them. He just need the right timing to do it. And this is the right timing. A quiet breakfast with Namjoon.

"Namjoon, are we okay?" he carefully ask while praying that Namjoon is in the right mood to talk today. The younger stop eating his breakfast and looked at his hyung.

"Y-yeah hyung w-we're okay." He said like he's also convincing himself with his answer. The elder is too smart to believe in Namjoon's answer.

No they are not okay.

They are far from okay.

"I know that we agreed that we'll never treat each other as what we should be, but I think we should talk about what's bothering you." Seokjin tried his best to be calm and tackle the topic with full of maturity and sensitivity towards Namjoon.

"You know hyung, I'm fucking okay! Alright. Don't think about me!"

And Namjoon snapped.

He didn't mean to have that kind of tone to his hyung, but all he could feel is frustration and he doesn't fucking know why. Why he's so frustrate seeing Jungkook in their apartment, days after their wedding. Why he's bothered with what he heard. Why they're too close with each other. Why this. Why that.

He's going crazy with the question he made for himself. And not knowing the answer is worst.

"If you're alright then why are you yelling at me? Huh?! Just say it! Dammit!" Seokjin shouted back. He promised himself that he'll be mature and sensitive but this young man in front of him is such a jerk.

"I know that we were not committed with each other. B-but hearing you two d-doing that. It made me uncomfortable. I know I shouldn't judge you but seeing you two acting like a love birds in your nest. I- it's weird hyung I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"What the fuck are you talking about? Can you just fucking explain it properly?" Seokjin want to slap his mouth with all the curse that came out in his mouth. The already reach his limit for cursing for just one morning.

"I- I mean, I know you and Jungkook are in a relationship and I do accept that. I- it's just I a- accidentally heard y- you two having s-sex that night. And it bothers me a lot. It's weird for me. And... and I don't know something change I can't understand. I'm so sorry." Namjoon feel like something is lifted from his chest. He do know that Seokjin will hate him. But it is much better than thinking about that stuff all the time.

Seokjin is stunned. All the younger just said doesn't make any sense to him. 'What? Relationship with Jungkook? We're fucking?' he thought.

"Wait. What? Jungkook and me?" he questioned. Eyes totally round with the younger's statement. Namjoon looked at him like he do understand everything. "Hyung you don't have to deny it. I –it's normal thing to fall in love with Jungkook even though he's younger than you. I – I mean I don't mean to judge you but it's weird."

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