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As I said, I will answer the questions that you guys will asks. So here it is:

1. From na_nurdin:

Where did you get inspiration?

Actually, I get it everywhere. I like reading stuff, or learning new stuff. Sometimes I just came up with it, starting to the question what if like? What if like that?

Whenever I watch a movie or drama I always look for something valuable in that. even in the shittiest movie or tv show, I always make realization that help me with the story. And then I'll right it down so I won't forget it.

From sassy_soo:

How come your grammar was very good?

Believe me girl, my grammar is the most basic of all the basic. But seriously it's just the basic even a grade schooler can read. I actually to do that to encourage people to read English.

I noticed my younger sister is quite intimidated when it comes to speaking and reading English so I made Different Arrangement easier to read so that people will be encourage and start loving reading.

And I proofread my work. I use Hemmingway checker to proofread it and it helps a lot. But still, I can see some errors but I'll check it again.

From AllisonRowe:

How to get a man like Namjoon?

The answer is... I don't know. Namjoon's characteristic in D.A is obviously fiction. How could you find a handsome rich young man, kind, understanding and will be fine to be married to a gay man without anything in return? He is the most impossible man to find in this world.

But in my opinion, there are people that can love like the way he love Seokjin. I know because my man love me that way. It's not perfect like Namjoon's but the feeling is real. I found someone, I know you will find your own too. In God's perfect timing. I'll pray for that.

From Tenneo:

English isn't your first language?

Yeah. English is not my first language. I am a Filipino and we speak Filipino, but I'm from Luzon so I speak tagalog. But, English is a common language in our country. Well I suck at both language.

From djyoneh:

Are you gonna upload a new chapter real soon?

Actually nope. I'm not sure if I can make a chapter this month because: first I'm doing my entry for talk talk korea. I'm doing a webtoon. I'm not that great but I just want to try my luck and on July first, I will attend a gathering for iKONICS. I need to make some handmade merchandise to sell so it will consume my time.

And lastly, I need to do some research for the next chapter. It's quite technical so I need to do some research about it to be more accurate and realistic. So I hope you will wait for my update again.

From Epreciado20:

1. Who are your top 10 favoirte music artist? Whether they be American, Korean, Chinese, Canadian, or from Philippines.

I like singers that make empowering songs so this is my list.

1. Bigbang

2. iKON

3. BTS

4. Winner

5. 2ne1

6. Epik High

7. Demi Lovato

8. Paramore

9. Pink

10 Taylor Swift

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