Thirty Seven

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After that night, the couple became closer than ever. That wall that separates them is already gone, and because of that, they acted like a newly wed couple again.

Namjoon can't keep his hands to himself, always wanting to feel his husband's skin against him. Sneaking a kiss when no one is around and making out inside Seokjin's office became a usual activity of them.

Their colleagues do noticed them. That stolen glance when they have meetings, the unusual closeness of the boss to his assistant. Seeing them both blushing whenever they were disturbed making out inside the office and those love stricken look that showed in their faces whenever they thought no one is watching. The two were so in love and they didn't notice that they were being so obvious.

The other's can't help but talk about them, having a rumors that Namjoon is indeed, his boss' secret lover. The other employees are enjoying talking about them. Saying nasty things about the two for being immoral base on the societies standard. Everyone are enjoying gossiping about the couple except for one.


She really like Namjoon and want ask him in a date, but hearing those gossips and seeing with her own eyes makes her lose her confidence.


It is December, winter season already started and it is the month of Seokjin and Taehyung birthday. Also the season of gift giving and holidays.

December 4 is coming, Seokjin doesn't want to do anything special for his birthday but Namjoon insisted for them do something. It is their first time celebrating his birthday together so the younger want it to be special.

So for the elder's special day, he arranged a surprise. He felt happy with he did, although it is too simple compared to his surprise on the Lotte world. He also have some help from their friends. They are hoping that his husband will like their little surprise.

After work on December 4, Namjoon said he wants them to have a dinner on a fancy restaurant that he knows. This is weird for Seokjin because the younger never like fancy things. Anything luxurious and formal was something that he wants to avoid. But the his husband is being cute so he just let him do whatever he wants. Besides, he deserves it for being a good husband to Seokjin.

Thirty minutes of travel and they stop in front of a simple café. Seokjin was wondering if this is the fancy restaurant that the younger is telling. Base on the interior, this is a simple homey café with few customers inside, enjoying their hot drink.

"Is this the restaurant that you're talking about?" Seokjin asked. The younger didn't answer, too busy doing something in his phone. "Love?" Seokjin asked again.

"Yup. But there's something more." Namjoon step out of the car and waited for the elder. The younger held his hand and lead the way. Seokjin thought they're going to enter the café but instead they walk straight pass to it and stop in a small door beside the café.

Namjoon enter the said door and Seokjin tarting to be suspicious. He noticed, there's a stairs on the end of that dark hallway and Namjoon didn't stop walking.

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