Author's note

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Hello my lovely readers!

It's me again. First of all, how's the chapter? I'm not sure if the last part are okay but I'm pretty satisfied with it. So you can give me you comments and everything. Always remember I appreciate all your comments and love J

Last time, I asked you guys about me putting D.A. to an app where readers need to pay for them t read. I posted thatquestion in my different accounts and I read your responces. Some are willing and of corse some are willing but prefer on reading it for free.

Let me tell you the news. I'M NOT PULLING DIFFERENT ARRANGEMENT OUT ON ANY OF MY ACCOUNT. The other writers will definitely do that but I think it's too cruel for me to just pull it off without considering my reader's feelings. You are my family and famiy should stick together J

Second, I'll discuss the app to you guys who are willing to support me.

The PSICOM app will be lauched in September 2017. But tomorrow I'll receive the invitation so the pioneer writers can start posting their works.

How can the readers pay: Filipino readers can have a lot of options. And for the international readers, I suggest purchasing it through Paymaya and Paypal. But I prefer Paymaya.

P 1.00 = 1 points for international readers for example your purchase is worth $1.00, it will be converted into peso and you'll have 51 points.

The writers will be the one who will determine how their story will costs. And I now I've promised that I'll give Different Arrangment a reasonable price.

For me I will charge D.A per chapter. Meaning the readers need to purchase each chapter. The reason of it is because it's still not yet done. Maybe I'll change that if D.A. is alredy completed.

The costs. I don't know if it's too much or not. But please give a your opinion.

I'm planning on charging D.A's P20.00 per chapter. If you'll convert that into dollars it's $0.39. is it too much? Please talk to me if it's too much.

Some readers are paying some are not what's the difference?

The main difference of paying and non-paying readers are the PRIVILEDGES.

1. Paying readers will have the edited version of the story. Right spelling grammar and everything. I'll invest on a grammar checker so i'm sure that there's no mistake. We're the non-paying will read raw version of it. I'm proof reading my works but still I can't see some mistakes and spelling. So that will be posted on my accounts.

2. The book cover. As you can see, D.A's book cover is just an amateur monochrome photo of Seokjin and Namjoon in a photoshoot. I made that myself so it's so simple and plain. Paying readers will saw the official cover of Different Arrangement. I'm now looking for an artist to make it the way I like it. I'll make sure that it will be amazing. And they can have a copy of the cover if they wanted.

3. Time table. Because D.A will still be posted on my accounts I don't want the paying readers to feel unfair. Paying readers will be able to read the upadates right after I made them and edit them. as soon as I finish editing it will immediately posted on my PSICOM account. Then for my accounts like AO3, wattpad and AsianFF the update is going to be posted ONE WEEK after I posed it on my psicom account. Patience is a virtue.

4. The ending. I'm planning on commissioning an artist to have an art work for the ending of D.A. and it will be only posted ONLY in my Psicom account. I'll make sure that it will be breath taking art work.

If you'll wonder if what will I do with the money it is here:

If you're reading my author's note (I bet you don't. hahaah) i announced their that I'm planning on establishing my own charm business. It's all set. All I need is the capital. I don't want to ask my mom so the half og my earnings here will be put on that.

And second, I also said that I do have mental health issue. As of today, I'm not taking any medication. I don't think medication suits me because it made me feel worst actually. So I'm planning on going to a therapist. But therapy in my country costs thousands of pesos. I really want to try the therapy but I don't want to ask my parents in this again. so the half will be put on that.

So guys that's all. If you have any questions comments and everything feel free to ask me. I'm going to respond to you as early as I can.

Thank you guys for loving Different Arrangement. I really appreciate every reader of my story. Paying or not, everyone is still my lovely readers. Love you guys.

Let's Fly



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