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"I want you to train me sir, as your protégé, Sir. We both know that I am fit and capable to be trained under you. I want to learn everything about this company. Transactions, every client even every employee. I need to know all of them" he proposed with enormous confidence.

"The main point of my proposal is, I want to manage your company. You can trust me to take care of everything."

Mr. Kim is quietly listening to Seokjin proposal. "Seokjin-ssi, I didn't know that you're so ambitious. You want what? Manage our company? I think you're losing your mind. Your marriage with my son is only for our investment in your father's company. You don't have an inch of rights in this company and you know that. I'm not stupid to fall from your scheme Seokjin-ssi." Mr. Kim mocked. The young man already expected this. Mr. Kim is too intelligent just to agree with this kind of deal.

"But Sir, I didn't say that I am already done. If you'll allow me to continue?" Seokjin can see Mr. Kim thinking. They're like playing their own version of mind game. One wrong move and he'll lose.

"I didn't say that I want any share from this company. I'm proposing to manage it. Not own it. I'll manage it for Namjoon. The responsibility will be mine. Don't worry if you think that I have an evil plan. This." He pulled out an envelope consisting of documents and passed it to Mr. Kim. "A prenuptial agreement. Already signed by both of us. That contract will prove that I have no rights on any of Kim Namjoon's assets. Money, assets and even the property that he will inherit from you. Everything."

Mr. Kim is analyzing the contract that Seokjin showed. He's quite impressed with the young mans' preparedness. He know what he's doing. And he's determined to get what he wants.

"I'm speechless Seokjin-ssi. May I ask why you are doing this?" Mr. Kims' speechlessness is a good sign for Seokjin. That means he succeed with his mission.

"I saw different music equipments in your son's apartment. He said that he want to pursue music. And I think he has a great talent with what he's doing. I want him to make music without thinking of the pressure of inheriting your company. If it's really needed, I'll train him personally. I'll teach him everything that you taught me."

Silence. They were in a pretty tensed silence as Mr. Kim keeps on thinking.

"And why do you want to help my son? Are you in love with him?" he curiously asked. Seokjin is quite flustered with Mr. Kim's question. He expects that their conversation will be strictly business. He didn't expect that the old man is curious about his love life.

"Oh, no sir. I'm not in love with him. It's just this is my way of paying him back. Your son is too kind to help me and my family. He really is a good man. And he deserve to be happy."

Again, Mr. Kim is quiet. Seokjin really wants to know how this man think. He admire Namjoon's dad as a business man. He had all the quality to be successful.

"Are you sure about that Seokjin-ssi? How about your fathers' company?" Mr. Kim asked. This man will never be easy to please. Seokjin thought. "Don't worry about that Sir. I have my own protégé. He's starting university next school year. That boy has the talent just like me. And I will guide him."

Finally Mr. Kim is satisfied. And Seokjin is just waiting for his decision.

"If you're really into it. Why not. I am honored to teach a very intelligent and talented young man like you." Mr. Kim offered his hand for a hand shake.

"So.. did I successfully close our deal Mr. Kim?" Seokjin cheekily asked. They both smile while shaking their hands. "Congratulation Seokjin. And please don't call me Mr. Kim. Just call me dad."

Seokjin thought that Namjoon's dad is an awful man but he think he's wrong.

"Thank you dad."


"Just accept it Joonie. Don't miss a great opportunity for you." Seokjin tried convinced him. The younger is still hesitant. He think that his dad will be mad, and he knows what his dad's capability. He's also afraid that his hyung will get involved.

"Hyung, my dad. He'll be crazy with that. He won't allow me." His voice is full of defensiveness. Namjoon didn't know why he's being pessimistic about this. This is his dream with his friends Yoongi and even Hoseok. But he's rejecting it.

"He won't be mad. Believe me." Seokjin confirmed and sudenly grab his phone. "Hyung what are you doing?" the younger panickly asked. "Going to ask your dad's opinion."

The phone is already ringing when Namjoon realise what Seokjin just said. He hurriedly stand up and tried to grab Seokjin's phone but he is too late. Seokjin is already talking. And his dad is on the other line.

"Good morning dad. May I ask you something?" Namjoon is standing in front of the elder while mouthing 'What are you doing? Hyung!' and 'No hyung please.' He's quietly begging for his dad not to hear his voice.

"Hmm. Actually Namjoon has something to say to you." The younger had no time to react when Seokjin shoved the phone in him. "What am I going to say to him hyung?" he whispered. Seokjin just shrugged and looked at him. The younger didn't know that his hyung can be this cruel to him.

"Hello? Son?" Mr. Kim called. Namjoon got startled and put the phone in his ear. "Y- yes dad." He answered. His heart is beating miles per second. "Going to say something son? Can you hurry? I have a meeting in ten minutes."

The young man couldn't form any word in his mind to say to his dad. He even forgot about the scholarship. "Dad. I- I me and Y-yoongi hyung received a scholarship in a music academy." Mr. Kim is not talking that made Namjoon scared. He knew his father will never allow him. He's just dreaming to be a music producer.

"Oh, congratulations son. I'm so proud of you." His dad said with such bright tone. Namjoon suddenly wants to cry. 'Is this true? He's congratulating me.' He thought. The younger never expects to hear that phrase from his dad. Especially if it's about music.

"Y-you're not mad? You're a-allowing me?" He shockingly asked. Earlier his heart is beating miles per seconds but now it's skipping its beat and Namjoon can't breathe.

"No son. Go take the scholarship. Asked my assistant on everything you need hmm? I'm sorry I really need to meet our clients." his father cheerfully said. The younger he can't believe that he's father is talking to him that way. He's so gentle and cheerful. But he's thankful. Finally he's dreams will finally come true.

"T-thanks dad. Really really thank you." There's an overwhelming feeling in his chest that make his eyes burn. "Thank you Dad. Bye." He finally hang up the phone. And still Seokjin is looking him.

His eyes is blurry with tears. He didn't expect to cry in front of the elder.

"See, I told you." Seokjin said. Proving his point. He didn't expect everything just happened. "Hyung." Namjoon looked at him with teary eyes. He grab his hyungs' wrist and suddenly envelop him into an embrace. He rest his head into Seokjins' broad shoulder. They can both feel each other's heartbeat. "Hyung. Thank you. Thank very much."

Seokjin returned the embrace to Namjoon.

"Everything for you Joonie. Everything."


Yaah an update !!!

Thank you for still being with me and with this story. i love you guys. mwuah!!

Thank you thank you thank you!

Comments and kudos are highly appreciated.. please voice out you thoughts. :)

Let's be happy. Together.

Let's Fly!


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