Chapter 3: Send nudes

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Hannah just laughs off the threat and starts her car. Her friend runs up to her car begging for a ride. "Johnathan, again? Where is this mystery man you keep sneaking away from practice to go see?". Her friend gets in her car anyways, then answers "It's a secret he isn't ready for people to know, now take me home hoe". She just laughs. Then the same person asks him to send nudes.

"Hey do you know this Trent guy? He seems like an ass." Says Johnathan. Hannah replies "he is someone trying to expose me, don't send him one". "Is he gay?!" Johnathan asks excitedly. Hannah ignores him. "He's at least bi right?" He continues. "Please just shut up!" Yells Hannah. The car goes silent.

This character has a weird back story. No one knows where he came from. No ones knows his family. No one knows his address. This guy seems to just exist. His name is Mike. He has red colored hair. He has a thirst in his eyes. But a thirst for what?

He has no friends. He always just seems to wonder in school. No one knows how to approach him. He is always alone. He seems sad. Like something is missing in his life. What could it be?

He walks down a dark street and turns. He sort of disappears. It is getting darker out. Nicki has left her friends and is walking alone.

It is dark now. She leaves the store she went in. She only bought more lipstick to cover up her insecurities. She walks down the same street Mike was on earlier. Being darker than it was before she could barely see. She saw something move behind a bush. She then gets scared and turns around. She gets out her phone to call 911.

She starts to run when she hears the foot steps get closer behind her. Someone answers the phone "Hello, 911 whats your emergency?" As she goes to answer she gets grabbed by her hair and screams. "Ma'am! Are you alright?!". She doesn't answer. Sounds of stabbing and gutting can be heard. "Someone is on the way to help you!". The killer picks up her phone. He or she is in a weird skeleton mask. He or she whispers into the phone using a weird voice saying "She's dead now". The killer hangs up.

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