Chaoter 6: I'm Shook

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Trent approaches Venessa to tell her about the trip. She actually is thrilled to make new friends. But has to refuse because of the internship offers. He proceeds to approach Jonathan after. He imedently ignores Trent.

    After trying to ecplain to everyone but Mike only Alexa, Ashely and Ty are up to going. Trent goes to his father for help. He steps into his office and sees Mike.

     "Hey son Mike is going on your trip to help look for who killed Nichole." Says Marx. He gives a wink to his son. "Oh alright thanks man" Trent says to Mike knowing what his father ment.

    Trent then explains whats going on to his father. His father send Mike out the office and then becomes furious. "If we find out who killed her the school will get lots of funding and a new detective course. We can't miss this chance!" Yells the prinicpal. Trent backs down and shares his idea. "Make them go." he tells his father.

     Marx eyes fill with glee again. "You son are right!" He hugs Trent. He calls in Kira, Hannah and Jenna to give them the news first. They accept thier fate in having to go. However when he calls Johnathan, Kate and Venessa into tell them they still refuse. Then things get ugly.

     "Venessa you will be removed from IB next year if you do not coopperate. And Johnathan you will be more than suspended from soccer if you don't go. Kate I still don't see why you wont go." The theratening words from the principal. Kate replies "I'll only go if Venessa goes, to take that away from her sir is indeed a dick move." Marx gets furious again.

    "I'll do it." Says Venessa softly. "What?" Says the principal. "I'll go if no punishments come to me or my friends." Softly again by Venessa. "If your friends are not the killers sure, no punishments will be given." In a buissness man tone. Katie gives Venessa a discaurging look. Katie thinks to herself (She dont know what she's getting into)

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