Chapter 25: Alexas Story

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Mike stands at the door holding Venessa by her arm. He soves her in the room. She has. Cuts on her arms and legs. She is also wearing a white button up shirt now. That wasn't the shirt she was wearing before. She also is wearing a pair of black boxers that are for boys.

  He looks at Alexa and grabs her arm. "You're next!" He says excitedly. She begs him not to take her. Kate begs with her. "Let her go." Says Venessa. Venessa looks at Alexa. She gives Alexa a nod. Mike pulls her out of the room by her hair. 'Click' goes the door.

    "What did he do?!" Kate shots at Venessa. "I don't want to talk about it. Alexa can stop this though. I know she can." Venessa says. "How do you kmow?" Kate says wirh tears in her eyes. "He told me everything. He told me he played John so people would just think he was having gay sex in the woods instead of killing people. He also said that he plans on having Alexa join him. If she does, she can betray and kill him." Venessa says in a serious tone. Kate continues to cry.

    Mike rips off Alexas shirt, ecoosing her white under-shirt. He tries to take off her black jeans but she oushes hin away. "I thought you were gay!" She shouts at him. Kira walks in and says "Oh honey, he played gay. I would seem obvious if us two kept leaving and killing you guys. My babe is just smart.". Alexa looks into her eyes. "And you let him do this?! Cheat in you with innocent girls!" She shouts. "Y'all are not innocent. Venessa needed loose her virginity soon anyways." Kira says.

    Mike pulls out his gun. He shoots Kira in the face. He then looks at Alexa. "I want you to be my new oartner in crime." He tells Alexa. "You want me to kill?" She asks. Ahe starts crying. "The only thing i'd kill is myself! She shouts.

    He goes to kiss her but she oushes him down and grabs the keys feom Kiras body. She gets iut the door just in time to lock it becore Mike caught up to her.

   Back in the room before the gunshot. "You know I understand Alexa now. Says Kate. "What do you mean?" Asks Venessa. "She never was ablw to be herself. She was always made fun of until she met Ashley. Ashley made her somerhing she wasn't though." Says Kate.

    "What was she?" Says Venssa. "She was a normal girl, who liked girls." Says Kate. "No way, that's a lie." Venessa calls bluff on Kate. "It's true. Before i met Jenna I saw Alexa on "Cherry Chapstick" which is a lesbian dating app. She used to have aburn hair. She was so sweet. Rhen Ashkey came into her life and screwed it up. You heard about the abortion?" Kate rants. "Alexas? No?" Asks Venessa.

   Kate tells her "Ashley forced her to sleeo around with guys. Only guys. She got pregnant with this guy named Neal. He was a total douche. He was a wreslter. Alexa would have kept the baby but Ashley said that it would be very denting to her popularity to be a white mom to a black baby. She was being streotypical." Venessa is shocked. "I could have gave her a better chance if I had met her instead of Jenna. She wouldnt be in this mess if I had just tried with her." Kate says. Then they hear the gunshot.

    Alexa rushes and unlocks Kate and Venessas door. They all escaoe the room only to find a living room. Alexa grabs the shot gun in the wall. Mike finally breaks the door down that was locking him in the room. He enters the living room. Alexa tells Kate and Venessa to find a way out. "I'll shoot him before he gets near you guys." Alexa tells them.

    Alexa has the gun pointed straight at Mikes chest. Mike walks closer to her. "Do it, you don't have the guts." He continues to step forward. Alexa cocks the gun to make sure he knows it is loaded. He continues to walk to her. The gun is touching his chest. "Pull the fucking trigger!" He yells.

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