Chapter 26: She's Free

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Alexa looks down the barrel of the gun. She frowns. "You're right." She says, then putting the end of the gun in her mouth. "Nooo!" Mike yells. She pulls the trigger. Bkood splaters everywhere. It's on Mikes face and clothes.

    He can taste the metallic sensation of Alexas blood. He gets a violent rage. He starys yelling. He then notices the shotgun. He picks it up and follows the direction of Kate and Venessa.

   Kate was watching whwn Alexa blew her brains out. Kate is still in shock. Venessa is pulling Kate so she will keep up. The door is just feet infront of them. As Venessa almost grabs the door handle Mike shoots the gun. It barley missed Venessas hand.

   Venessa pushes the door open, letting go of Kate. Kate falls. Venessa runs outside and flags down a car. She turns to see Mike running to Kate. Venessa goes back in the building. The car parks and a man gets out.

    Mike has reached a few feet infron of Kate. He aims his gun to shoot her. He fires. Kate just lays there waotong for the bullet to hit her. It never does.

   Kate looks up to see Mike running away. Kate turns aeound to see a man running twoards her. It was rhe man Venessa had stopped. He happened to be ex military. He helps Kate up. She feels something heavy on her. As she is being helped up she sees it. Venessas dead body rolls off of her. Venessa took the shot that Kate was supossed to have. Kaye wheeps. She is very sad. She just lost her best friend.

   The man outs her in the car. She stares out the window crying. Everyone she cared about just died. What was her life to become of now? The man and her reach a police station.

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