Chapter 18: Trust Issues

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It is noon. Today is the day after Ashley died. Mike, Ty and Alexa seem to have gone mute and stare blankly with no responses. Trent, Kira and Jenna want to get to the bottom of this.

    Venessa, Kate and Hannah are freaking out trying to leave. John walks alone in the forest. He is sad and emotional. He also fears someone might kill him so he looks back every ten seconds. No one can relax anymore.

     "We need to leave. One of us here is a killer and I dont want to be next!" Shouts Venessa. "Calm down we will find out who it is." Says Trent trying to calm her. "And just wait and sit while someone else dies? No thank you!" Shouts Kate. "My question is why didn't the cops look into the murder? Your dad just happened to be all over it." Says Kira.

    The girls just stop and look at him. "You have something to do with this!" Yells Hannah. He starts backing uo and shaking his head as the girls get close to him. "It's not what you think. Really. How could I have killed her if i was in the tent about to do Alexa?" He tries to explain. "You might have someone working with you." Jenna says harsly.

     Ty stands infront of the girls to get them to stop backing Trent into the woods. "Look he was an ass to you Hannah, but I don't think he would kill someone." Ty says with his arms up trying to calm them down.

     Mike slips away into the woods again. This time Venessa follows him. He walks kind of fast. Sometimes crawling under small bushes or trees. Venessa has a hardntime keeping up. She begins to think if he is the killer. She knows John is in the woods alone. Mike could be there to kill him. She moves faster and is right on his heels.

    She sees Jonathan. He is facing the opposite direction of Mike. John doesn't hear Mike coming. Mike reaches John and grabs his shoulder. Venessa can only hope she forgets what she is about to see.

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