Chapter 21: Loss Of A Girlfriend

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Trent stumbles around in the woods. He sees a light. He goes twoards it. It's the campsite fire. John, Mike, Venessa and Kate wait over near the tents. They all look very scared. Trent looks at the forest, then back at them. Without a word, he runs back into the forest. A second gunshot was heard.

      He follows the gunshot. It takes him about three minutes to locate the sound. By the time he gets there it is too late. Jenna is on the floor. Her head is spilled. She killed herself.

    She took Ty with her though. Kiranis on her knees crying next to Alexas unconsious body. She must have hit her head. Kira explain to Trent "She killed Nichole, Hannah, Ashley.... she felt so sad. She just wsnted Kate to love her again. She went crazy and killed Ty then pushed Alexa down and she fell on a rock. She then turned the gun to herself and bam! She's gone."

     Trent looks over ar Jennas body in horror. Behind them Kate and Mike run to the spot where Trent was. Kate can see Jennas body. Kate drops to her knees and starts crying hystrically. Mike pauses and looks at Ty. He drops to his knees too. Kate crawls to Jennas body. "I loved you! How could you! Now I can never be the same!" She screams and crys. Trent goes to help her up but she pushes him away. "Just leave me here alone!" She yells at Trent. Kira helps up mike and moves him along.

    Trent takes the gun and gives it to Kira. "Put this in the truck." Trent commands Kira. She nods and takes it. Trent goes to Alexas body. He hoists her up on his shoulders and carries her. He turns and looks at Kate crying over her body. He then leaves to the campsite.

    Back at the campsite venesa waits paitently by herself. "Where is John?" Asked Trent. "He went with Mike and Kira to the truck." Says Venessa. Another gunshot is heard.

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