Chapter 20: That Night

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It's six PM. Hannah sits by the water. She looks very pretty. Trent followed close behind her. He watches her sit by the water. She looks into the water gazing at the small ripples. Then someone in a Alien mask runs up and stabs Hannah in her neck. Trent jumps from the bushes and goes to attack the person.

       Hannah screams in pain and Trent stops the chase and turns back to her. He gets on his knees and hold her hand. She has a bad wound. She is turning pale. "I still love you, I cant loose you. Every time me and Alexa have sex I call your name. Don't leave me." He is freaking out. "Hey, I never told you this because you had a busy life and never slowed things down. When i'm gone, look after our son for me." She says in a dying whisper. "Our son?! He's mine?!" He shouts frantically. "Be good to hi-) Hannahs voice trails off. There is just silence.

    She is dead. Trent cries. He lost his love. His one true love.  He gets up. He wipes the tears from his face, it turns into and angry expression. He storms off back to the camp. Twenty minutes after he gets to the camp he's gathered everyone except for Jenna who is missing.

   "I'm not playing now?! Who killed Hannah!? I want to know! She was my love!" Trent is yelling. Kate throws up. Venessa stares shockingly. "So none of you want to admit it to me? I guess I will beat it out of you! I loved her!" Trent still shouting. Alexa gets up, grabs a gun then runs to the woods. Trent chases after her.

      Kira goes with him and so does Ty. They all run into the forest. Trent gets split from everyone and gets lost. He is looking around and the trees seem to be endless. He falls to his knees and cries. Then there is a sound of a gunshot.

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