Chapter 9: The Mall

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The hand moves away after hitting the glass. Laughter can be heard from outside. But it was not a scary laugh it was a laigh from someone doing a prank. Nearly dying of a heart attack Hannah opens the door ro find Kira and Mike holding hands laughing.

      Hannah yells "That's bot funny!". Mike laughs even harder. Venessa and Ashley start laughing eventually. Then Alexa starts laughing and Kira stops. Then Mike stops. Soon the laughter is filled with awkward silence and Hannahs anger.

    "Mike what is she doing here?!" Questions Hannah. "Well John said you wanted weapons. My girlfriend here will get them for you. Shes only 16 but she has a guy." Says Mike. "A guy?" Venessa chymes in. Ashley shushs her. Hannah tells Mike "That is true, I am looking for weapons. I dont need your guys games though. Understand?" . Kira laughs and says "Are you my nom now?". Alexa and Ashley laugh. Venessa feels a bad vibe coming on.

   Mike asks "Can we go to the mall yet, i'm kind of bored and was trying to sleep my life away. So we gonna keave or?". Hannah shakes her head angrly. "Yes get in the car" she says. In the back of the car sits Ashley, Mike and Kira. Venessa is in the front with Hannah. Alexa is forced to ride in the trunk.

   The car ride was peaceful except when Ashley got the aux cord. Deepthroat was played and everyone in the car was scarred besides Ashley and Alexa. Alexa couldn't hear anything from the rest of the car. Onky her silent thoughts. She began to feel sad again. But not just any kind of sad.

    They get to the mall and everyone gets out. Hannah opens the trunk to find Alexa. Her sleeve is bloody. Alexa blames the wound on a knife lying in Hannahs trunk. Venessa quickly rushes over to Alexa to help take care of the injury. Venessa runs into the mall with Alexa as Ashley follows ckose behinf them.

    "I've never seen this knife before. Says Hannah. "Thats because she faked it." Responds Kira. "She's so insecure she probably cuts because of what she has become from hanging with Ashley." Adds Mike. Hannah beigins "But she is so pretty and-" she is interuppted by Kira. "She is oretty on the outaide but on the inside shes a mess." Kira explains. After that Mike suggests to go find them inside. Hannah agrees to go find them. They enter the mall to find an amazing discovery.

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