Chapter 23: End Of Camping Trip

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Trent falls on his bavk from the powerful bullet. He is breathing heavily. Blood is oozing from his chest. Kira gets up and is standing over him with a smile.

    "Bitch!" He tries to yell but chokes on his own blood. She grabs the knife that is laying next to him on the floor. She licks the blade, then, proceeds to stab him over and over.

     Venessa, Mike and Kate arrive to rhe truck to see it crashed. Horn is still blaring. Alexas body can be easily removed from truck. Mike goes to renove her unconsious body from the truck with the help of Kate. Venessa happens to look over and Trents body.

    She screams in terror. Kira comes running straight twoards her from behind a bush. Venessa runs into the forest. Leaving Mike, Alexa and Kate.

    Venessa is looking for a way out. Then she remembered Hannahs body should have the keys to her car. Zhe begins to think where did Hannah die. Did someone move the body? A lot of key roles come into play on where the keys could be.

    She stands there looking around in a circle. Each way she turned she couldn't think of a way out. As she turns one last time, somone in the same skealton mask, was behind her. The person punches her and she goes out.

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