Chapter 24: The Next Escape

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Kate wakes up in a room all alone. There is two beds in the room. Nothing else besides the two beds and a door that leads to a bathroom are in the room. She is terrefied. (Where is Kira, or Venessa or Mike) she thinks to herself. She doesn't even know if Alexa was alive.

    She hears footsteps coming. She begins to panic. Someone is at the door. 'Click' the door to her room unlocks. Behind the door was Kira. She has a new wig. "Hey, Kate. Welcome to my friends home." She tells Kate in a creepy tone. "What friend?" Kate begins to cry and freak out. "Oh, you wil meet him. Trust me." She says. Jate bwgins shaking her head. She starts pleading. "No, no, no no no no, please. No!" She is crying.

    Kira just smiles and shuts and locks the doors. Kira walks over to another room. She unlocks and opens the door. Alexa is laying on the floor. She is concious though. She freaks out and scatters around. She is in a sitting position now. Kira grabs Alexas face.

    "Listen to me sweety. This room used to be a suplies closet. Now, if you want to be with your friend, I need you to be a good girl. Okay?" Kira says to Alexa while grasping her chin. Alexa nods her head yes. Kira grabs her by the arm and takes her to Kates room. Behind her in another room she can hear screaming and a voice saying "Please, stop, i'm not ready. I don't like this!". Alexa is terrified. The door to Kates room ooens and she throws Alexa in there. Kate crawls to Alexa.

    "Be good girls now." Kira says, then slams the door. The girks hear the click noise again. "What happened? Where are we? Asks Kate. "I don't know. I just woke up." Says Alexa. One more loud scream echos around the complex they are in. You can't hear anything from the outside.

   "We need to find a way out of here." Says Kate. "How?!" Questitions Alexa. Kate tries to think of a plan. Then, two pairs of footsteps come to the door. Kate and Alexa stare in fear. 'Click' the door opens.

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