Chapter 11: Oh my Asian

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Jenna looks around. She is dazed and confused. Jenna leans close to Ty. Her breath reeks of alcohol. Ty backs away from her face because of the smell. "Has anyone ever told you that you look Asian?" Jenna tells Ty. He looks insulted. "I am Asian." He responds. "Oh my Asian. Its an Asian transgender!" She says kind of loudly.

He gets angry. "How do you know that?! You can't just say shit like that! Do you understand?!" His loud words fill the restaurant. The restaurant is silent. Ty sits back gently and face-palms. "Please, don't say anything. Please." He practically begs calmly. "Don't worry, I won't." Jenna assures him. "How did you even know?" He asks. "You don't even bind your chest? It is fairly obvious." She warns him.

Their voices went silent as they ate. Ty finally breaks the silence. "So you have a girlfriend huh?". Jenna stops eating and begins to frown. "I don't even know if I do anymore." she explains. "What happened?" Ty says. "Is that really any of your business?" She replies. "Well was my binding any of yours?" his anger comes back. "Look you may have a flat chest but you're too skinny to have any man boobs." She says.

"Who is your girlfriend anyways?" He says fighting the anger in his voice. "I can't say, shes not out yet, but I might not have her anymore anyways so leave it alone." She says also getting angry. More silence. "I have an idea." Ty says. Jenna gives him a look of anger and just despair. "We are gonna forget this sadness and have some real fun." He says as he gets an evil grin.

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