1. blunt butter knife

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If I had to pinpoint the exact moment when my ordinary life turned into the complete messy shit show that it is now, i would probably narrow it down to the time my best friend Carl Gallagher told me he had a girlfriend.

So that probably doesn't make a lot of sense, most people would be absolutely ecstatic for their best friends's new budding romance, however Carl and I never had the normal friendship that most alternate gendered best friends have. I guess what i'm trying to say is that you could literally cut the sexual tension between us with a blunt butter knife.

You see, Carl and I first met at a party in year 10 when he blatantly tried to get me to go home with him and i blatantly turned him down. Why would i turn down a night of hot sex with probably the hottest boy in year 10 bare in mind the whole fucking school you ask? well that's an easy question, i'm spoken for...well i was.
Matt Peters was my high school sweetheart, together since year 9, he was a grade A student, a school president shoe-in, and generally picked up in the areas that i lacked in: pretty much everything. He was the knight in shining armour, and every girls dream boy and i was the lucky bitch who got him for 3 years.
So i politely turned down the most gorgeous man i'd ever come across for the boy i was supposed to be with forever and i now call that sex god my best friend. Once Carl gave up trying to fuck me we actually worked out how much we had in common. Over the years we developed a bond and went to each other with absolutely anything and everything. Yes i can admit there was a connection between us that sometimes made me light headed but it was purely physical and i would be stupid to ruin my movie-like romance with prince charming right? Well i guess things aren't always so simple and they got down right fucked up the moment Carl Gallagher got a girlfriend.


"Hey yo A, wait up!" Carl yelled from the bottom of the school hallway.
"I'll catch up with you guys later!" i said dismissing my girl friends to catch up with Carl. "What's up?"
"A, you're never gonna fucking believe this!" Carl sighed as he caught up to me and we began walking to our first class, Ava is my first name but i get A from him.
"You finally caught herpes?" I exclaimed excitedly earning an eye roll, Carl was known as a bit of a slut.
"Ha-Ha very funny. No i had a date with Maria last night," he winked.
"and?..." i prompted him.
"I might possibly have a girlfriend." I stopped in my tracks.
"You're bullshitting," i said in utter disbelief, "no fucking way, my Carl Gallagher does not have a girlfriend."
"Yeah he does bitch." He smirked. To say i was shocked was a gross understatement.
"I never thought this day would come," I sighed pretending to wipe my tears like a proud mother, "my boy is growing up. "
"Shut the fuck up," he laughed pushing me forward, "i'll tell you the details later but i gotta see my girlfriend before class!" He winked before strutting in the opposite direction.

And thus began the continuum of fuck ups and regrets that ended up giving me the best year of my life.

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