34. Winging it

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Walking into that party my nerves were on fire. I was happy with how I looked, I had a red simple tight dress on with black heels and my hair was curled. Simple but I felt good in it. No matter how many times Emma tried to give me a pep talk I still felt like I might vomit walking into that party. I knew some sort of clarification needed to happen that night but I had zero ideas on how to go with it. I just guessed I would do what I usually did and wing it.

Once we got through the hallway I saw Carl straight away in the kitchen. He hadn't noticed us yet so I got a moment to take him in. He really was completely breathtaking. He only wore black jeans a white tshirt and a denim jacket but my god he looked enticing. Once we entered the kitchen he looked up and we made eye contact and in that moment my stomach erupted in butterflies. I saw him look me up and down and a small smirk appeared on his lips before he covered it with a drink. Speaking of I needed one.
Emma poured us a drink while we made small talk with the boys and I tried to avoid molesting Carl with my eyes. He was quiet and his expressed turned gawd and I became even more nervous to talk to him. I'd almost psyched myself out completely. I downed my drink in no time and grabbed another. Emma sent me a warning glare but I didn't care, I needed every ounce of confidence I could get.

"So Gallagher are you on the hunt for a bang with us tonight?" Marty asked and I nearly choked on her drink.

"We'll see boys, we'll see!" He smirked sipping at his drink and my stomach dropped. I knew it was my own fault but I felt so shit knowing he might actually want to get with someone else. I looked over to Emma for help and her face was full of hell.

"Looks like we're all getting on it tonight right Ava?" She winked at me and I was slightly confused.

"Ah yeah?" I gal agreed not sure where she was going with this. I felt Carls eyes burning into me but I couldn't bring myself to look at him. I needed to be strong.

"Bathroom?" She asked and I nodded.

"What was that?" I asked her once we were in the privacy of the bathroom.

"If he is playing dirty you can play just as dirty!" She huffed fixing my hair and attempting to push my boobs further up.

"I thought I needed to sort out my love life not make it more messy?" Not even too long ago she was dead against those petty games we'd been playing for so long.

"That was until he decided to be a fucker." She smirked looking at her work on me. "If he wants to tease you with other girls you can do the same." Now this was something I was better at than actually admitting what I want. First more alcohol was needed.


When Emma and I came back we went to the kitchen to load up. I looked over and sure enough Carl was sitting in the living room talking to a girl.

"Bottoms up!" I sighed and Emma and I cheers'd to getting absolutely fucked up and ignoring our problems.


An hour or so later Emma and I were dancing our problems away and feeling a little intoxicated. I hadn't seen much of Carl which sort of concerned me but I felt drunk enough to block it out. Almost like magic when he came into my thoughts I felt his hand grip my waist. I turned around and stopped swaying to the music to find him standing close to me.

"So are you looking to get with someone tonight?" He asked getting straight to the point. I could tell by the drowsy of his eyes and how his lips had grown a shade darker that he was also pretty drunk. Hence his blunt conversation starter.

"Are you?" My answer would depend on his I kept my confidence despite how his close proximity was making me feel.

"I dunno. Since we aren't exclusive I'll see what happens." He was looking at me sternly. He looked pretty shitty for whatever reason but I wasn't letting him get the better of me.

"Guess I'll be doing the same then!" I shrugged matching his gaze. He took a while to break eye contact and his hand stayed firmly on my waist. I was lucky I was intoxicated otherwise I probably would've gone weak at the knees.

"Enjoy yourself then." He said before going at plonking himself on the couch opposite to where we were sitting. His face stayed hard and angry.

I looked to Emma but she was too busy dancing with this hot guy to have witnessed that. I could feel him watching me and my drunk self decided to have a little fun with it. I began slowly swaying my body to the music. Circling my hips teasingly and just praying I didn't look like a complete idiot. I took a moment to glance at him and his eyes hadn't left me but they were still cold and his jaw was strained. I was enjoying the attention and the affect I had on him I'm not going to lie.

But just to ruin my mood some leggy black haired hoe walked over to the couch and flung her exposed legs over Carl. Rather than feeling sick I was angry and maybe a little jealous. His expressed stayed blank with his eyes still on me until that stupid smirk spread over his face. He must've seen me watching that girl because he turned to her and placed his hand on her thigh engaging in conversation.
I decided I needed to play it cool. I continued dancing as if I wasn't bothered and as if I wasn't watching his rough hands draw circles on her thigh and watching her fake laugh and twirl her stupid fucking hair. I was cool.
I chugged the rest of my drink down and continued dancing.

Soon a random guy came up behind me and placed his hands on my hips. I paused for a moment ready to tell him no when I made eye contact with Carl. He was watching and he looked pissed but now the whore was sitting on his lap so I figured game on. I let the guy grab my waist and guide my hips to the music. He was grinding against me with his face in my neck and to be honest i wasn't turned on in the slightest but I was completely zoned out letting the music carry me. I'd completely forgotten Carl was watching until I glanced up. His face was full of hell and with his jaw clenched he grabbed the whores face and smashed his lips against hers.
I froze in shock.


Guys thanks so much for the love and don't hate me for this chapter pls pls I promise good things are definitely coming!!!
Also this is nearly coming to an end unfortunately :(
Thinking for future novels I do have a rick grimes story that's starting for any walking dead fans out there otherwise once this is done I'm thinking of a story with Lip but I've got two ideas and I need your help.
Tossing between a teacherxstudent style story or just a college dorm room style story give me thoughts thoughts lots of love xxxxx

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