30. Holiday fling

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I was actually quite sad to be leaving the lake house after our long 2 weeks there. We'd had so much fun despite the slight bump in the road that was Maria. On the last day we planned to pack the cars and head around mid day. All in all I had enjoyed living in the little bubble with Carl. It was fun getting to sneak around and not feel guilty about it, finally getting to relieve some of the tension that was there. But now the holidays were over I guess that bubble had to burst. I didn't know what we even were. I guess we weren't anything. Just the same as before except now we'd had sex.

I was taking a long hot shower while the others began loading the car with our bags and all the food and alcohol we didn't consume, which believe it or not, wasn't a lot. I was in my own little world enjoying the hot water relieving me from all the stress when I heard the door open.

"Emma ill be out soon!" I called out. I guessed I must've been in there for too long. I got back to enjoying my shower when Carl opened the shower door and scared the shit out of me yet again. "What are you doing oh my god!" I yelled in fright but he had other intentions in mind.

"Mind if I join you?" He winked but judging by his already naked body he had no intentions on waiting for my answer.

"What if I do?" I asked still recovering from my near heart attack.

"Too bad!" He laughed stepping into the warm water and closing the door behind him. He came up in front of me and wrapped his arms around my waist with his lazy smirk on full display. I was more than keen to play along with this playful mood. I draped my arms around his neck and soon enough his lips were on mine.

His kisses that morning were slow and sensual, differing from his usual rough and urgent vibe. The slow and teasing way he moved his tongue in my mouth was causing downstairs to flutter a little. I felt his hands trail down my body but he waisted no time in reaching my vagina.

"Eager?" I giggled against his lips as I felt his wet hands rub me.

"Apparently you are too," he winked before plunging a finger into me and earning a gasp. "Shhh..." he coo'd into my ear but did the exact opposite in assisting me to keep quiet. My fingers wove into his hair and tugged as he began pleasing me with his hands. I struggled to keep in a moan as he removed his hand and covered my mouth. "We have to be quiet." He smirked but to be honest i was more pissed off at the loss of contact than anything else. In one swift motion he span me around and pressed me against the cold shower wall with himself pressed against my backside. "Keep it quiet baby girl.." then suddenly he was deep inside me and I was almost certain I definitely screamed.


Back in the car on the way home with the girls and there was almost an awkward silence between us. Or maybe I just thought it was awkward because I'd been keeping a huge secret from Maddy.

"Maddy Carl and I had sex!" I blurted out randomly and bluntly. Jesus what a way to break the news. Emma shot me a glare in the rear view mirror but I had to let it out. I'd deal with the consequences.

"Yeah I kind of already guessed that," she laughed at my panicked state.

"You did?" I exclaimed feeling silly for feeling so guilty about lying.

"You guys took a fucking shower together this morning did you think I thought you were just saving water?" She laughed sending me an amused smirk. I almost blushed at the fact that she and probably the others knew we were getting down and dirty this morning.

"I know you think it's wrong..." I prepared a defensive speech but she cut me off.

"Ava don't be an idiot I don't care what you and Carl do, I'm happy for you guys. I just felt sorry for Maria for finding out that way." She reasoned and I felt a pang of sympathy for the poor bitch Maria.

"Yeah I guess I feel kinda bad too..." I sighed thinking about that night it all went down. That felt so long ago now.

"No you don't you've been too busy rolling around in ecstasy with Gallagher to give a flying fuck!" Emma accused earning a nod from Maddy. They were right. Although I felt a little tiny bit guilty. When Carl wasn't around.

"Now can you tell us all the details?" Maddy begged and I complied. They were in for an ear full.

After I'd explained all the details details the girls brought up a subject I really was dreading to think about.

"So what happens now?" Emma asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well now the holidays over what are you guys gonna do?"

"I don't really know..." I had thought about it before was was choosing to push off the subject. Carl and I had never gone this far before. And maybe it was the alcohol or drugs or even living together for two weeks that fuelled it, but it was back to normal life now, so would that mean back to normal us? Whatever that was.

"Well do you want to date him?" Maddy asked and the question hit me hard.

"No of course not its Carl!" I answered compulsively. That was always my answer. I couldn't date him he was my best friend.

"So you're fine with going back to how things used to be?" Maddy raised her eyebrows accusingly.

"Yeah definitely!" I didn't know if I was trying to convince myself or them. "Just a bit of a holiday fling right?"

"Yeah right!" Emma laughed sarcastically. And we made the rest of the journey home in silence while I pondered the now mess my life was in.


When we got home we all stopped at Marty's house and went our separate ways getting ready to prepare for school to return on Monday.

"Ava!" Carl called out as I was heading off with my bags in tow. "Did you wanna come over?" He asked with a suggesting tone. I really did but after that conversation I had in the car I was starting to feel weird about the whole thing.

"Nah I gotta get my English shit done before Monday or Mrs Wright will kill me..." I laughed awkwardly and mentally slapped myself. I never ever turned down anything for homework he was going to know something was up.

"Righto..." he said giving me a suspicious look. I was feeling nervous. I wasn't ready for any sort of a serious conversation about 'what we were'. Not with him. Not yet. "Seeya Monday then?" He asked confused.

"You see ya then...pal!" I squeaked awkwardly before scurrying away. Fucking pal? I cringed the whole way home.


Hey hunnies hope you're all still enjoying the book xxxx

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