5. double date

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The next could of weeks at school were painful. Carl spent all of his time with his girlfriend who turns out is a massive bitch. All she does is glare at me and touch Carl way too much whenever i'm in his vicinity as if i'm jealous. Well i'm not. i just missed having my best friend around all the time without the gross tack-on. Also without having Carl to hang around at and after school every day i tried to spend more time with Matt, which was often unsuccessful, but i had to try.

"Carl has changed so much!" I sighed to Matt watching him hugging Maria at a different lunch table.

"I think it's good!"

"I barely even see him anymore, i feel like she hates me!"

"Yeah but i kinda understand why." Matt said grabbing my hand as a way of comforting.

"What do you mean?" I was confused, Matt had never ever been bothered my mine and Carl's friendship. He just didn't particularly love Carl as a person.

"Well you and him have a weirdly close friendship!" I guess that was true.

"But it's never bothered you before has it?"

"No but i trust you! Carl's not the most trustworthy guy is he?" Matt said actually making a fair bit of sense.

Our friendship was a little too close for comfort i guess and i had been lucky with Matt because he was so cool about it but Maria doesn't really know me or even Carl very well yet. Some part of me thought Matt didn't mind because he really didn't care. He had more important things to worry about.


"Where have you been all my life" Carl sang as he wrapped his arms around my neck from behind while i stood at my locker.

"I've been where i always have, a better question to ask would be where the fuck have you been." I retorted turning around to face him.

"Hey i've been around just busy!"

"Oh yeah with your girlfriend," i laughed, "didn't think i'd be forgotten about so quickly."

"You know id never forget about you idiot, just be happy for me!" He smiled innocently.

"Yeah whatever!" I laughed pushing him. Almost felt like back to normal Carl.

"I actually have a favour to ask," he asked.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. How would you feel about bringing Mr Dull on a double date with yours truly and Maria?" Carl said looking at me hopefully. Oh fuck no.

"You're joking right?" I laughed but his face stayed deadly serious, "since when have you ever had any desire to spend any time with Matt."

"I don't have any desire to but i really want you and Maria to get to know each other properly and i figured the best way to do that without it being awkward would be to double date." Jeez he really had thought this through. Although the sound of a double date screamed uncomfortableness.

"She doesn't like me does she?" I asked reading his true intentions, he was trying to show her that i'm not as bad as i seem.

"It's not that she doesn't like you..." He began defensively, "okay yeah she doesn't like you." he admitted after i raised my eyebrows at him. "But i just want her to understand how great you are A." He said grabbing my hands with his big rough ones. "She just doesn't know you yet and i think she's a little jealous."

"Okay fine." I sighed giving in.

"Thankyou thankyou thankyou!" Carl cheered engulfing me in a huge hug and lifting me off the ground.

"Okay relax!" I laughed helplessly.

"You're the best, i owe you one. I'll text you with the details. love you. bye!" He called as he jogged away probably to find Maria. Oh joy.

"What was that about?" Matt laughed as he came up behind me.

"I just agreed to a double date!" I sighed looking up at him guiltily.

"Umm, do i not get a say?" Matt asked somewhat annoyed.

"mmmmm nope!" I smiled hoping to ease his mood.

"You're lucky i'm not busy!" I wasn't sure if he was joking or not. But i didn't care as long as he would turn up.


Matt and I were running late for the double date because i honestly did not want to go and spent way too long fussing over what to wear. Of course i did want to get along with Maria but for some reason i wanted her to be intimidating. i wasn't trying to make her jealous or anything but i wanted her to understand that there's no way in hell she'd be taking my best friend away from me. Not if i could help it. I chose my black high skinny jeans and white backless body suit with boots and left my hair straight. We were only having drinks and dinner, didn't wanna over do it.

When Matt and I finally arrived we spotted Carl and Maria sitting opposite each other in a booth engaged in conversation, Maria noticed us first and oh my god if looks could kill.

"So sorry we are late!" I laughed breaking her death stare.

"Don't worry we thought we were late!" Carl said standing up to give me a hug looking me up and down, "you look good!" He said in the middle of the hug his breath on my neck giving me light goosebumps almost making me forget about the other important parties in the room.

"Nice to see yous again!" Matt smiled politely sliding in the booth next to Maria, i was thankful for his choice so i didn't have to sit next to her, however this position next to carl put me in the perfect spot to be stared at.

"Yeah you guys have met!" Carl laughed as we sat down forgetting he didn't have to give introductions.
This was going to be a long long night.

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