29. Jealousy isnt all that bad

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Carl and I were on a taxi back to the cabin by ourselves. The others weren't ready to leave yet and Carl needed to get home and get himself cleaned up. Plus I felt super guilty because it was partly my fault. The ride was pretty quiet. I didn't know what to say and I'm guessing he didn't either. Once we got home we made it into the upstairs bathroom with only muttering a few words to each other. He sat himself on the toilet and I grabbed a face wash to help clean the mess up.

"Ava..." he began awkwardly.

"It's okay!" I wanted to save him from having to apologise. I continued gently wiping off the blood careful with the cuts around his eye. He was watching me and the sight of his slightly drunken gaze was making me light headed. After a while he gently took my hand and placed the washcloth on the floor and tugged me to stand inbetween his legs.

"Let me apologise," he began but I cut him off.

"No it's my fault I was only trying to piss you off I shouldn't have I was over reacting because you were with that girl and I'm sorry!" I puffed out in one breath to get the embarrassing confession over with.

"You were trying to piss me off?" He asked curiously. Not angry somewhat amused.

"Maybe..." I groaned wishing for the conversation to be over.

"Because I was talking to that girl...?" He still wasn't as angry as I expected him to be. He was amused and I didn't know how to react.

"I was drunk and it just pissed me off," I was trying to defend myself but I didn't have a leg to stand on.

"Because I was talking to her..." his amusement at my stupidity was starting to piss me off. I didn't want to dwell on this I wanted it to be forgotten about.

"Yes okay just fucking drop it!" I half yelled irrationally as I left him in the bathroom and headed towards my bedroom. I was trying to stop myself from looking like even more of an idiot but in reality I was not helping my case what so ever.

As I was walking through to the room mentally cringing at myself Carl grabbed my waist and spun me pinning me between the hallway wall and his body. I was shocked to say the least. His body was pressed against mine with that smug smile plastered all over his face.

"Baby girl were you jealous?" He purred into my ear and I had a good idea what he wanted.

"Jealous?" I tried to laugh the idea off and act like the feeling of him wasn't driving me insane. I was too proud to admit jealousy.

"I think you might've been a little jealous..." he purred kissing against my neck. I had to try so hard to keep myself in control.

"Oh do you now?" I lost all signs of anger before. Now I was fully enjoying his playful mood. If ya can't beat em join em hey?

"I think you were jealous...and I think you were trying to make me jealous in return." As much as I wanted him to let this go I was enjoying the feeling of him kissing my neck and his hands rubbing my waist. I could take the taunting alongside whatever he was going to do to me.

"Did it work?" I laughed gesturing to his bloody knuckles. I guess I did have a similar sort of hold onto him that he has on me.

"Fucking yes it worked," he said a little more sternly, "so I guess how am I going to have to prove that you're the only one I've been thinking about all night..." I felt the blush grow at his dominant persona. I was feeling the heat. I didn't even know what to say.

He slowly began to slide the straps of my dress down my shoulder, all while maintaining the intense eye contact. I couldn't breathe properly. He gently held the top of my dress and slowly tugged it down leaving me in my underwear in front of him standing like a stunned deer. He smiled down at me which eased the tension and after checking my body out he re-pressed me against the wall kissing me furiously.

The kisses started off urgent and needy and I could happily comply with that I felt so desperate to have him then and there. He grabbed my ass and lifted me up and pushing me back up against the wall. His kisses began to slow as they moved down to my neck and the tops of my boobs. His kissing was slow and sensual and filled with desire and was making me even more lightheaded than before. He moved from the wall and gently lowered ourselves to the floor.

"Do you want to move into the room?" I asked trying to catch my breath as he began kissing down my stomach.

"No I need you now!" He groaned with one swift motion removing my underwear and hooking his arms under my thighs. I felt so exposed with his face right next to my bare vagina but the feeling was soon replaced with a desperate need for him to touch me when I felt him placing kissing along the inside of my thighs trailing his tongue so close to where I wanted him.
I moaned shuffling my hips and he giggled against my thigh.

"Stay still baby," then suddenly I felt his tongue trail up my entrance earning an impulsive moan. I almost felt him smile before he licked me again. The feeling was unexplainable. He began a steady pace licking sucking and teasing me and I had never been in so much pleasure in my life. I had been given head before loads of times but it never felt like this. I'd never felt so so desired and it was such a turn on to feel like he wanted to have me so badly. It was a slow build up as he changed his pace kissing and licking me and teasing my clit with his tongue.

"You taste so good." He coo'd against me and I swore in that moment I literally could have orgasmed on the spot, although I sure as hell was close enough as is. He continued right back picking up his pace increasing the pleasure and the pressure I felt building in my stomach. I could barely keep still but he had his arms licking my legs around his head. My hands wove into his hair pulling as I felt myself getting closer and closer.

"Carl I'm so close," I panted but that only made him go faster and tease me more and more. The feeling was so good I was going lightheaded. My hands gripped his hair tightly as he kept pleasing me and suddenly this giant wave of pleasure completely rushed over me from head to toe. I called out Carls name as I came undone having the best orgasm of my life. I lay panting and shaking as he crawled up between my legs up to my face with the biggest grin on his face.

"Did I prove how badly I want you?" He smirked kissing back into my neck. I didn't know if my body would function again anytime soon but it's like his kisses woke me right back up.

"Id say I'm pretty convinced," I sighed giving into the feeling of his lips on me again. Suddenly my intense orgasm aftermath was ruined by the sounds of the drunk idiots getting home. "Carl they're back!" I warned him and he cursed under his breath jumping up and helping me up.

Maybe jealousy isn't all that bad after all.


Thanks again hunnies xxxz

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