13. Girls night

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I made the quickest excuse to leave the group and headed straight to my car without even looking back. I felt so sick. I had spent the weekend in a complete state of sexual frustration with Carl. He practically offered himself up to me and made us so so hard to resist. He helped me come to the realisation that being in a relationship wasn't what I wanted. He made me feel sexy and lustful. But he did all of that with a fucking girlfriend.
A girlfriend who he had slept with literally the day after. I wasn't expecting anything to come of the intense weekend we had but Jesus Christ I guess I just didn't expect nothing. I didn't want him to date me. I didn't even want him to like me. Well come to think of it I didn't really know what I wanted.

"What was that about?" The man himself asked sitting himself down next to me in my car. I tried to collect myself before I said something I regretted. "What's wrong with you?"

"Look I think you better go," I sighed.

"Wha-" he began but i cut him off.

"I just think you should leave before I say something I'll regret."

"What have i done?" He was clearly confused.

"Nothing," I groaned. Which was true. He hadn't done anything.

"Then what's the problem?"

"Look I just need some time. I wasn't expecting anything to happen after this weekend but I also wasn't really ready to hear about you fucking your girlfriend straight afterwards."

"Oh..." he sighed. Yeah. Oh.

"So I'm gonna have to ask you to go before I lose my shit."

"You've got no reason to lose your shit!" He said and i could hear in his voice he was getting angry.

"I know that!" I yelled.

"So what? We fuck around and joke for years when you have a boyfriend and that's all well and good but I get you a little too hot and heavy over one weekend and then go back to normal like we always too and now you need space?" He yelled angrily. He was right. He was so right. And I knew it but I couldn't help the anger I felt in that moment.

"YES!" I yelled back unreasonably. "Look last weekend affected me more than it should have and I just feel weird knowing you had a girlfriend that entire time."

"YOU HAD A BOYFRIEND." He yelled trying to make me see sense but it was a lost cause.

"YES BUT IN MY HEAD IT WAS OVER!" He grew silent. "In my head I knew I'd come in a single woman and I don't know I just forgot you wouldn't." I sighed.

"What do you want then?" He calmed down dramatically.

"I don't want anything from you than just a little time and space to get my head around my huge change in lifestyle, okay?" I huffed finally growing the balls to actually look him in the eyes. His eyes still had that fuckin affect on me.

"Whatever, you know where i am," he sighed climbing out of the car and leaving me alone with my thoughts. I needed a girls night.


After a torturous week of avoiding Carl and feeling sorry for myself, Friday rolled around and I couldn't stand another night binge watching tv shows.

Both Maddy and Em came over straight away when I texted them telling them I'm in need of a girls night and oh boy we're they surprised when I informed them of the recent events.

"Holy shit!" Em exclaimed excitedly, "I've been waiting for this to happen for so long."

"Em this is not good!" I cried. "We had a moment, yeah cool, but then I totally freaked on him today and potentially ruined the friendship."

"Well what did you want to happen today?" Maddy asked.

"I don't know..." I groaned.

"No come on, dream scenario, how would things have gone between the two of you?" She prompted and i thought for a minute.

"I don't want to date him or anything!" I assured myself. I was positive on that. "I dunno I guess I just wanted that weekend to continue,"

"You wanted him all over you again?" Emma winked.

"Ugh yes," I groaned shamefully. "I am a mess."

"You just came out of a three year long boring relationship you need a bit of fun!" Emma backed me up.

"Yeah but why do I want it so bad with him?" I groaned. "Why couldn't it be anyone else?"

"Because he's your soul mate!" Maddy coo'd sarcastically!

"We need to get rid of Maria..." Emma stated slyly and I found myself agreeing.

"We can't kill her!" Maddy yelled in her concerned voice.

"No you fucking idiot," Emma laughed and I couldn't help but join in. "We just need her out of the picture so Carl is free to get with our girl here!" I was a fan of that idea. In fact I was also a fan of killing her. Only kidding. Maybe.

"Guys I don't want to sabotage his relationship!" Which was true he was still my best friend at the end of the day.

"He had no trouble sabotaging yours," Emma pointed out which was very true. Carl had no issues with getting in between Matt and I, in fact he fucking loved knowing that he had some sort of power over me when he shouldn't. Maybe it would be my turn to show him I could do the same thing. I could beat him at his own game.

"Guys I have an idea!!" Maddy exclaimed jumping excitedly. Oh boy. "So Jack told me that the boys were going out tonight drinking trying to help Tyler get laid or something..."

"So? They do that all the time?" I prompted confused on where she was going.

"Yeah but what if we were to interrupt their boys night."

"Ohhh I like this idea," Emma cheered excitedly. I however, was still fucking lost.

"Guys help me out here," I pleaded.

"We are going to go and intrude their boys night looking hot as fuck and show Carl exactly what he was missing out on!" Emma grinned devilishly.
Now I understood. And I was excited.


A quick update lovelies thanks again for all the comments I'm feelin the love xxxxx

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