36. Us

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Once the fight was broken up the boys dragged Carl out of the party and I assumed sent him home. I stayed a little while with Emma, her boy, and Nathan. I felt so bad that I got him in this mess I apologised non stop and he was really sweet about it. Because he was sober he even offered to drive me home, I knew I probably should have said no but I just wanted to leave more than anything. He was kind and a gentleman and didn't even blink an eye when I gave him nothing more than a goodbye hug and headed inside.

As soon as I closed the door behind me the emotions just came flooding out. I felt drained. I may have just lost my best friend who I might possibly having feelings for. I wished I never went that night. I slowly calmed myself down and got my shit together. I changed out of my dress into my jumper and was taking off my makeup when there was a knock at the door. I felt super nervous suddenly. Part of me hoped it would be Carl and we could finally sort this all out but I think I was too emotional for it.

I slowly made my way and opened the door and sure enough there he was standing with bruises and cuts on his face and knuckles. I stood back and he slowly sauntered into the room without saying anything. There was tension in the air and neither one of us wanted to speak first. I thought I would be happy but I felt frustrated and angry with him and angry with myself.

"Ava I-" he began but my anger took over.

"No don't even bother. How many times are you gonna apologise for going mental like that but keep fucking doing it?" I was half yelling. I knew it probably wasn't fair because it was my fault he lost his temper but I was only doing what he did.

"I know I'm sorry," he wasn't biting back he was stood looking sorry and it angered me even more. I needed to be angry with him I needed to hate him to make this easier on myself.

"You're not though because you keep fucking doing it."

"Maybe stop fucking kissing people then." His head rose to make eye contact and I could tell we were about to argue.

"You can't tell me what to do, I wasn't doing anything different than what you were!" He rolled his eyes which aggravated me even more. "So I have to watch you flirt with whores and rub their legs and let them sprawl all over you and give you lap dances and you can kiss them but as soon as someone else kisses me all hell breaks loose?" He almost looked guilty for a second before the smirk appeared.

"You were jealous?" He looked slightly amused but I wasn't having a bar of it.

"Yes okay I was fucking jealous!" I yelled having no shame whatsoever. "No I don't enjoy watching you all over other girls, yes I hate it when someone else has your attention." His cocky smirk turned serious. "But at least I can control my jealousy!"

"You can control it?" He laughed angrily. "Is that why you purposely try to make me jealous as well?"

"Maybe I only do that to find out if you actually give half a shit. Turns out it's only your ego that gets hurt." It was all coming out now and I didn't even think twice about what I was saying.

"You're the one who told me I could go and do whatever I wanted, that we could see over people!" He yelled and he was right I knew that. But I couldn't let him win the argument.

"Maybe I just thought you didn't want to." I yelled and he stayed silent giving me a minute to calm down. "I regret saying that but at the end of the day what the fuck were we even doing?"

"I dunno," he sighed running his hand through his hair.

"I can't be your friend!" I blurted out before I had the chance to back out. I knew this conversation needed to be had. His face snapped up in confusion. "I don't know what I want but I can't be your friend and watch you fuck around. We can't keep letting this happen!" I sighed feeling the sadness of the situation.

"Is that what you want?" He looked pissed off but almost saddened.

"No of course it's not what I want but do you see any other option here?" I groaned.

"Yes I do, be with me!" He raised his voice catching me completely by surprise.

"What?" I breathed and we locked eye contact for a small moment.

"Be with me." He breathed again looking anxious. I couldn't form a coherent thought I was in shock. Surely he didn't mean that.

"Do you mean that?"

"I dunno Ava fuck." He groaned pacing back and forth in the hallway. "I can't lose you you're so important to me and my family I don't know what I'd do without you. I care about you so much I don't want anything to happen to you. I want to be with you all the time even when we're not having sex. I'm so fucking attracted to you that it drives me insane I can't stay away from you. You drive me fucking crazy at times and you irritate me to no ends but I love it. You're the best sex I've ever had and after you I'm not particularly interested in fucking anyone else. The thought of you with anyone else makes me so fucking angry I can't stand it!" He blurted it all out and I listened in complete and utter shock. I didn't even realise it but this was exactly what I'd wanted to hear for so long. To know that it wasn't only me that was confused about how this all felt.

"I don't know what to say," i whispered. He stopped pacing came to stand in front of me. My stomach was going crazy with nerves.

"Just say you feel the same!" He whispered back brushing the hair out of my face. "Just tell me that I'm not the only one who feels like this and well work it out." My breathing was getting more rapid I couldn't believe this was actually happening.

"Work what out?"

"Us. This." He said gesturing to the two of us. "Well find what works out for us. We both know we've got the best friendship already and our sex is phenomenal right?" He smiled and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Right!" I smiled nodding. I hadn't even realised tears had escaped my eyes until he wiped them away. Maybe this was what I really wanted all along.

"So what do you say?" He smiled and I couldn't say no to that face.

"If you're in I'm in!" I couldn't wipe the smile off my face and the biggest grin appeared on his.

He took his big rough hands and placed one around my neck and one on my hip pulling me in for a kiss. His tongue entered my mouth straight away and he kissed me passionately getting more and more desperate for further contact. When my hands wove into his hair he pushed me against the hallway wall. I couldn't help the moan that escaped as he pushed himself against me.

"I could listen to you make that sound forever," he groaned moving to kiss against my neck.

I couldn't believe the complete 360 turn that my night did.


Omg guys our babies finally grew up hahah hope you guys are enjoying xxxxxxxx

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