19. Make or break

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While i was walking into school on Monday I decided that being angry with Carl was childish. I had to be mature. Sure we had a bit of a moment and then he left with his girlfriend. But that's the thing she was his girlfriend. He had to deal with me flaking on him for Matt for years. I was sure this whole sexual connection thing would definitely pass. Plus this week of school was our last one before our two week holidays so I just wanted it to go as smoothly as possible.

"We need details now!" Emma squealed as the girls found me at my locker.

"I wish I had a more exciting report!" I sighed. Their faces were as disappointed as I felt.

"what happened?"

"Okay so we went back to his house, he told me he wanted to kiss me but didn't, we slept, woke up, Maria came and stole him away for the day, then he had a go at me!" I recalled the weekend which sounded way less exciting than I thought it would.

"Can she seriously fuck off!" Emma groaned.

"Can who fuck off?" Carls voice interrupted us making us all jump.

"Oh Mrs Callies my English teacher." Maddy saved smoothly and I mentally thanked her.

"Fair enough," he said almost suspiciously. I thought we'd saved that pretty well. "Uh do you mind if I talk to you real quick?" He asked me a little awkwardly.

"Yeah sure..." I said giving the girls a confused expression.

"We'll catch up with you two later!" Maddy said cheerfully before dragging Emma away and leaving the two of us alone.

"I think I owe you an apology." He sighed rubbing the back of his neck.

"I think you might," I smiled feeling a little more at ease. "But ill listen go for it!"

"Okay I'm sorry for snapping at you yesterday it wasn't fair. I'd just had a really shitty day with her and she was doing my head in she wouldn't shut up about you and I just didn't want to get home and see Lip all over you when there's nothing I can do about it so I was frustrated and yeah..." he sighed taking a huge breath as I digested his apology. "But I know that's no excuse so I'm sorry for being a dick."

"It's okay," I smiled feeling warm from his apology. I was definitely going soft. "I don't want to be a problem for your relationship," I said when in reality I kind of did.

"It's not that it's just she's super jealous," he shrugged as if he didn't know why. Boy you know exactly why she's jealous. "I'd hate for her to come between our relationship that's all!" He smiled sincerely and I felt better.

"I won't let her!" I said almost as a threat which made him laugh.

"She's got nothing on you A!" He smiled wrapping his arms around me and I couldn't help but overthink that sentence. What did he mean by that.


Eventually lunch break came around and I went to the table to see the whole group already sitting down. I took a seat next to Carl and listened into the conversation.

"Okay now the whole group is here," Marty began, "I have a plan for our school holidays!" He grinned stupidly.

"And what's that?" Maddy asked.

"Okay so my uncle owns a lake house and he's asked me to house sit and guess what?" He paused dramatically earning an eye roll from everyone, "you're all coming with me for a two week get away which will be spent majorly drunk and/or high!" Another dramatic pause, "what do ya say?"

To be honest the idea sounded like a fucking great time. "I am so in!" I smiled excitedly. The idea of getting away and spending two weeks intoxicated with my best friends sounded amazing

"Count me in!" Carl laughed and placed his hand on my thigh causing me to jump. I looked at him and he shot me a wink and squeezed my thigh tighter making my heart jump. I thought about it for a second longer as the rest of the group spoke excitedly about the plan. A whole two weeks spent drunk with Carl. We barely managed to keep our hands off each other spending one night together. These two weeks would either make or break what we had going on.

"Oh my god that sounds so fun!" I hadn't noticed how lost in thought I'd been until I heard Maria's voice from behind us causing Carl to rip his hand away like he'd touched a stove.

Okay so it was going to break it.


After the group dispersed Emma dragged me and Marty aside to discuss the new member.

"She can't fucking come!" Emma huffed.

"What can i do? I can't just tell her no," Marty asked looking slightly defeated.

"Yes you can!" Emma was not letting this go. "How are Carl and Ava meant to fuck if she's there?" Oh god this girl had no morals.

"It's his girlfriend and she's invited herself I can't just uninvited her so she can get cheated on!" Marty defended which was a fair point. We couldn't really do that to her could we?

"Yes you can!" Emma grumbled and I decided to drag her away before she got nasty.

"Don't worry about it Marty it'll be fine with her there!" I smiled pulling away Emma to talk some sense in her.

"Are you joking?" She asked.

"Well obviously it'll be shit but we can still have a good time!" We would have to we couldn't let her ruin this trip.

"But you and Carl..." she whined like a puppy.

"If it was going to happen it would have happened by now!" I sighed disappointedly.

"I refuse to accept that!" She huffed. "This holiday could potential make or break this weird relationship you two have and I really wanted it to make it!"

"Well how about we just see where this trip takes us." I obviously knew there was no chance of anything happening with Maria there but Emma was dead set on getting us together.

"I'm gonna get you a shag this holiday whether it be Carl or not!" She grinned triumphantly. Oh no.

"You do that!" I laughed as we set off for our next lesson.


Hey lovers this wasn't too much of an exciting chapter so we might get an early update!
Hope you enjoy anyways xxxxx

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