17. Face of death

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Waking up in Carls room was something I hadn't done in a long long time and for a moment I almost forgot what happened last night. Almost. I looked over and saw him fast asleep looking so innocent. Yeah right.
I got up and made my way downstairs.

"Ava!" Fiona cheered as I sat myself down at the table next to Liam giving him a big squeeze. "You haven't been around here in ages."

"I know it's been way too long! How have you guys been?"

"Same shit different day!" She laughed getting together all her things. "Now I'm working today but are you gonna hang around?"

"Most likely!" I smiled I really had missed this lot.

"Cool ill probably see you later!" She winked giving me a hug and kissing Liam before heading out the door. As if on cue Debbie came downstairs holding her little baby Franny.

"Oh my god!" I squealed looking at the cute little thing in her arms. "She's getting so big!"

"Wanna give Aunty Ava a cuddle?" Debbie coo'd to the baby passing her into my arms. "What're you doing here this early?"

"Me and Carl went out last night so I just crashed here!" I smiled at the little baby as I sat her up on my lap making faces and hearing her giggle.

"Oh reaaally?" She smirked heading to the kitchen. She was another one that was always praying for Carl and i to get together. We couldn't catch a break.

"Oh shut up!" I laughed and sleepy Carl walked into the kitchen. Him in the morning was an amazing sight to see. His hair all disheveled, eyes drowsy, still shirtless. I was trying not to perve but I was highly unsuccessful. "Morning sunshine!" I sang testing out his mood this morning.

"Fuck off!" He grumbled in his sexy morning voice. Back to his usual self.

"What's your plans for today?" I asked as he sat himself down next to me.

"Just hang out here?" He asked me and I nodded cheerfully.

A few moments later Carl and I were still in our spots eating toast while Debbie was in the kitchen heating up Frannys breakfast as she sat in the high chair. We were all interrupted by a gentle knock at the door which Debbie unenthusiastically answered. Now i swear I nearly shat my self the moment Debbie said the words,
"Oh Maria I didn't know you were coming over today."
Oh fuck.

I froze instantly and looked over to Carl who looked equally as scared as me. Here we were sitting at the table me in his jumper and nothing else, him shirtless, early in the morning. This was going to look so bad. This was so bad.
After a moment of being scared as fuck Carl jumped up to his feet grabbing a tshirt from a pile of laundry on the kitchen bench and ruffled his hair before practically running to greet his girlfriend. I stayed frozen solid I didn't know what to do. I tried to fix my wild hair to make it look less incriminating but it was a lost cause.
Debbie came into the kitchen rolling her eyes as Carl was speaking to Maria.

"What are you doing here," i could hear him laugh awkwardly. Nice and smooth.

"Just thought I'd surprise you!" I heard her whiny voice call out. "Can i come in?" She asked but before he could even answer she made her way through the door and locked eye contact with my immediately. I saw Carl mouthing the words 'fucking hell' to me.

"Morning!" I smiled trying to act as innocent and normal as possible. To be fair nothing actually happened between us. I was just feeling a little guilty from flirting with her boyfriend all night.

"What is she doing here?" She spat turning to face Carl and he gave me a desperate look.

"Uh she stayed last night!" He smiled walking into the kitchen with her following in tow. Not the best save at all.

"She what?" She was almost yelling now acting as if i wasn't even in the room. If it wasn't for her deathly glares I would have thought she didn't even notice me. Debbie's face was amused and I was silently cursing her for her lack of help. As if sent from the gods Lip Gallagher strolled lazily down the stairs and gave me the best cover up ever.

"Oh no not like that!" I laughed falsely.  "Lip invited me round last night didn't you?" I smiled to him as he came to kiss Liam's head.

"What?" He asked very confused but i gave him a look that said play along and I was just praying he got it.

"Oh Carls girlfriend thought I stayed with him last night I think," I laughed as if it was the most ridiculous thing ever. Lip took a minute to look towards Carl and Maria and noticed her face of death and I think he got the gist.

"Oh no she stayed with me last night!" He said and I swore I could of kissed him out of gratitude.

"Oh..." she muttered still not losing that face of death that I had grown to hate. She looked to Carl for reassurance and he gave her a genuine smile. I almost felt a tiny pang of jealousy. Almost.

"What are you two up to today?" Lip asked sitting down next to me and resting his hand on my thigh. I think he was getting into this a little too much, mostly to piss Carl off.

"I don't know..." Carl began with his eyes burning a hole in lips hand on my thigh. I couldn't help but remember what it felt like to have his there only last night.

"I thought you might want to come shopping with me?" Maria smiled hopefully wrapping her arms around his waist and giving me a big fake smile.

"Ugh sure.." he sighed awkwardly. I almost felt a little upset because hell we had planned to hang out together but I had to remember that she was his girlfriend...for now at least. "I guess I'll go get ready!" He said walking off upstairs.

"Ill join you!" She giggled and I almost vomited.

Once they'd left the kitchen Lip removed his hand and began laughing.
"What a fuckwit!"

"Who Maria?" I laughed along.

"No my idiot brother but while you're at her as well!"  He sighed taking a sip of his coffee Debbie made.

"Do you guys not approve?" I asked as Debbie sat to feed Franny.

"Fuck no!" They both called out in unison causing me to laugh. At least they made me feel better.


"Is she leaving?" Maria asked Carl as they came back downstairs, Carl now dressed in clothes.

"She is siting right here!" I called out angrily shocking both her and Carl.

"And no she is saying with me today, I've got the day off!" Lip backed me up earning us a glare off Carl and a fake smile from the face of death.

"Seeya later then!" He awkwardly calling out before steering her out the door and slamming it shut.

Fucking bitch.

Lots of love xoxoxo

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