8. can i come in?

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Fighting with your best friend is always 100 times worse than fighting with your boyfriend. The argument i had with Carl put me in the foulest mood and that weekend i wanted nothing but to be by myself. I'd spent the night with Matt friday but he couldn't manage to cheer me up like he usually did. Carl and I had fought so many times before but this felt different. I guess i thought this might've been the end of a friendship because i guess he had Maria and didn't really need me. Matt usually manages to cheer me up but i found myself just genuinely unhappy all night and he didn't manage to change a second of it. I found myself wishing i was just by myself.

Saturday night rolled around and i had turned down a date request from Matt, i felt bad but i really wasn't in the kind of mood where i could pretend to be happy when in reality i felt like shit. And in all honestly i was staring to enjoy Matts company less! Not just because i'd fought with Carl but the things he'd said had really cut deep, maybe i was to invested in his relationship. Maybe he was right and Matt didn't actually give a shit about me. To be honest maybe i was losing feelings for him.

I had jumped out of the shower, my mind running wild with thoughts questioning my relationship and how happy i actually was in it when i checked my phone and saw the screen had read

Missed Calls: Carl Gallagher (1)   8:37pm

I stared at the screen for a moment contemplating whether or not to call him back when my thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock on the door. I reluctantly opened the door to find Carl standing there drenched from the rain. I couldn't help but notice how red his big eyes were, they looked stressed and worn out with wet strands of hair falling over them. His swollen lips caught my attention and i had to look away before the butterflies began. He trailed his eyes up my body until they landed on my face where he took a big sigh.
"Can i come in?"


We sat on my couch quietly avoiding eye contact with each other after he'd changed into dry clothes that he'd left here.

"So Frank broke into the house and locked himself in Fiona's room again." Carl sighed finally breaking the silence but still avoiding looking at me. I wasn't sure what to say back. "I'm sorry for being an asshole."

"You weren't an asshole," i began, "you were a cunt." He looked up at me and i couldn't help but laugh and he joined in as well finally relaxing. He jumped up from the other couch and came to sit next to me wrapping his big arm around my shoulders pulling me in. I couldn't help but notice how good he smelt despite walking for 10 minutes in the pouring rain.

"I shouldn't have said what I said about Matt!" he confessed moving his arm to look at me.

"What you said was really shitty, but i dunno i think you might be right." I sighed finally admitting out loud how i'd been feeling for days.

"He obviously does care about you, who wouldn't." Carl tried to defend as i tried to ignore the warmth i felt from him on my bare legs.

"I just don't think i'm happy anymore." I sighed honestly.

"You need someone that makes you happy."

"I think i just need time to be single for a while and work out my own shit." I admitted, i hadn't been single in so long and the thought wasn't so scary anymore.

"Wanna get high?" Carl asked after a moments silence breaking my misery.

"You sure know how to cheer a girl up."


An hour later i was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling in bliss, high as a kite, no longer stressing about my feelings or lack of for Matt.

"Fuck!" Carl swore under his breath laying down next to me.

"What's up?" I asked rolling over to face him.

"I didn't tell Maria i was coming here." He admitted looking at my face. My words got caught in my throat as i looked at his big eyes now red. All i could manage to do was laugh.

"She's gonna be so mad." i giggled uncontrollably.

"I don't even think i give a fuck." Carl joined me in laughing. As our laughter died down his eye contact increased intensely, i felt hot under his gaze but somehow i couldn't turn my eyes away from him. I felt captivated and i had no idea fucking why. His gaze dropped from my eyes to my lips and my heart raced a thousand beats faster, i thought for a moment he would kiss me, for a moment i wanted him to. All i could hear was his heavy breath and my heart pounding a thousand times over in my chest. His hand slowly came up and with his rough thumb he gently dragged my bottom lip out of my teeths grip. I hadn't even noticed i'd been biting it. With his eyes still stuck on my lips he whispered. "What are we doing?"

It took me a while before i could gain enough sense to whisper back "i don't know." causing his thumb to fall from my bottom lip. He sighed a heavy breath which nearly melted my insides. He sounded hot and bothered and if he felt anything like i did in that moment...hot and bothered was an understatement.


I woke up in the morning feeling gross, i needed a shower. I slowly began to remember the night before and the intense weird moment Carl and i shared and i couldn't help but wonder how much further it could have gone if we had let it. Speaking of i sat up and couldn't find Carl anywhere i figured he must've gone home earlier but i checked my phone and there were no messages from him. I made my way down to the kitchen to get water. As i stood by the kitchen counter downing the bottle of water i heard a deep raspy voice grumble from behind me.
"Good morning sunshine."

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