11. Will power

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I felt like all i could do was silently agree with him which is why i surprised myself when the words "I wish i went home with you at that party when we first met." slipped out my mouth.

My eyes grew wide as i realised exactly what i'd just said. I mean i guess it wasn't a big deal but i felt like i'd just spilled my biggest secret. My best friend now knew i actually did want to sleep with him and more importantly knew i'd rather be sleeping with him than with my current boyfriend. I could feel his intense eyes locked on me but i couldn't bring myself to look him in the eyes. I really wished i'd just kept my bloody mouth shut!

"I'm sorry what did you just say?" Carl asked and i could literally hear the smug smile on his voice.

"pffft nothing!" i stuttered trying to play my verbal diarrhoea off. "Want a drink?" I smiled jumping up from the couch and nearly running to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass of water facing the bench cringing and mentally slapping myself for my stupid comment. I had completely lost my cool and any chance of winning this little game we had going. I felt him creep up behind and almost instantly my breathing increased erratically as he came behind me with a hand either side me pinning me subtly against the bench with his front pressed against my back.

"Do you wanna tell me again what you just said?" He asked his voice coming out as a whisper right near my ear. I couldn't tell anymore if he still wore that smug smile but i don't think i cared.

"Something tells me you heard me loud and clear!" I whispered back suddenly gaining an ounce of confidence. it's just Carl i reminded myself. He does this sort of shit to you all the time be cool. Fight back. I turned around to face him but he didn't move back as i expected him to, his hands stayed firmly on the bench either side of my hips and if anything me turning around only flushed us closer together. Not what i had wanted but i would roll with it.

"Oh i know what i wanted to hear but just want to make sure my ears aren't playing any tricks on me." My comment had given him so much confidence, which i had to admit was super sexy but super intimidating.

"You're loving this aren't you?" I laughed trying to ease the tension and regain some composure. He'd managed to get me so wound up and feeling so hot and heavy by just looking at me and speaking at me. The sexual tension between us was giving me goosebumps. I couldn't help but realise that Matt couldn't do to me during sex what Carl was doing to me in that moment but barely touching me. I was in deep.

"I'm enjoying myself yes!" He laughed releasing his grip on the bench and creating more distance between us. I found myself wishing he'd come back. "I mean i always knew you wanted a taste of me but jesus A, I didn't know i'd be able to get you off so easily!" Just as i thought the tension would ease it rose right back up.

"Hey you are not getting me off!" I tried to defend myself. Gotta give myself some credit even if it's Carl it's gotta take more than some saucy words and slight touches to get me in the sack....right?

"I thought your heart was going to go into cardiac arrest if i moved any closer."

"It's not you i'm just a little... sensitive lately!" my defences were getting worse by the second.

"Hunny im willing to bet that even if you had just recently had sex with your boring fuckin boyfriend i could still have this effect on you." He smirked smugly raising an eyebrow and slowly making his way towards me again. As much as i wanted to deny it he was definitely right.

"You're so full of yourself!" I laughed trying to keep a light hearted and relaxed vibe but Carl just kept intensifying it and he knew full well what he was doing.

"Only with reason," He shrugged finally standing flush in front of me. "Listen to your heart i'm only standing in front of you and it's going ridiculous." The humour was gone and there was no chance of it coming back. All i could do was stand and try to relax myself but some part of me was insanely turned on by how aware he was of what he could do to me. "I wonder..." He whispered reaching his hand and slowly placing just his finger tips on my hip. He was purely teasing me now and to be honest i didn't even care. His eyes flickered up and he watched my face so intently but i couldn't bring myself to look away from his rough hands which started to gently lift my shirt covering the smallest area of skin on my hip. He traced his fingers in small patterns on my skin and i could feel my heart getting faster. "You're so responsive to me." He whispered in his serious tone. "If i can do this to you with only slightly touching you, just imagine just what i'll do when i get you to myself." He spoke so confidently but i could hear his voice had dropped and his breathing became shallow. He wanted this as much as i did which was doing me no favours. He moved his fingers so slowly from my hip to just under the waist band of my shorts and trailed along the front of my stomach. Feeling his rough but barely there touch gliding just under the waist band of my shorts took me by surprise. He was fucking good at this. I gasped involuntarily and moved my head away from him to look over my shoulder. He took the opportunity to flush himself against me with his head against my neck and he whispered. "Just say the words and ill take you..."

"I-I..." I began to stutter trying to muster up some sort of will power. But all i could feel was his breath fanning over my ear and his chest pressed against mine.

"Just say it..." He coo'd, again i could hear his smirk.

"I can't!" I whispered unconvincingly with whatever will power was left.

Thankyou guys so so much for the comments, you've given me motivation to keep writing pls let me know what aspects you're liking and what you'd love to see happen and just general feedback i really appreciate it :) xxx

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