7. forgiven

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"I'm glad you told him how you feel A!" Carl assured me. He found me sitting in my car after school so he came and joined me and i finally got the chance to tell him what had been going on.

"Yeah me too but i feel like i may have fucked things up, i haven't heard from him yet and it's been like 2 days."

"Well maybe this is a good thing ya know? Like he's obviously not making you happy!" The thing i love about Carl is that even though he's a pain in the ass he's always there to actually talk about things when i need him to.

"Yeah but i just keep thinking about how things used to be. He used to be so perfect he was always there for me and we did things for each other and he always cared about what was going on but now he seems to only care about school and his future and i get that's important but i just feel like i'm not anymore." I just kept talking but it felt good to release the anger and frustration that i'd built up.

"I don't know what to say A," Carl sighed looking at me, "maybe you are better off without him."

"Yeah, maybe!" i groaned, "how's things with Maria?"

"Yeah it's good, she's pretty high maintenance, sometimes i feel like i've gotta hide to catch a break." He laughed.

"She still doesn't like me hey?"

"She's coming around," he smiled, "she's just not used to this."

"Fair enough." i smiled back, he seemed happy.

"So how's your mum?" He asked me.

"Hasn't been home in a couple weeks so must be good!" My mum had a bad habit of falling head over heels for men. She would always meet someone, fall for them, move in, then they would fuck her over and she would be back home miserable and apologising for leaving me again. Most of the men she takes a liking to are pretty bad characters. Drug dealers, addicts, alcoholics, thieves, you name it, but the guy she's seeing at the moment actually seems to be decent. He has a job, he's nice to me, invites me round for dinner, treats her well, he seems like a nice guy so i was happy for her. I felt frustrated again because Matt didn't know any of this, he hadn't even cared to ask.

"How's everything at home?" I asked him generally not knowing what to expect him to answer with, his family was unpredictable to say the least.

"Yeah Fiona's kicked Frank out again but we reckon he's going to try and weasel his way back in again."

"Typical." I laughed.

"Maria is adamant that she wants to meet them all." Carl groaned.

"Maybe she should!"

"Are you joking?" He laughed raising his eyebrows at me.

"Well you can't keep her away forever can you?"

"Yeah i guess so but her family sounds so perfect i don't think she knows what she's in for." Carl sighed.

"If she really likes you she'll happily put up with your mad family." I smiled pushing him.

"Yeah true."


The drive home i zoned out into my own little world until i pulled up outside my house.
I couldn't believe my eyes.
Matt was sitting by my front door holding a giant bouquet of flowers. To say i was shocked was an understatement. I slowly made my way up towards him and he stood up.

"I'm sorry!" He blurred out impulsively. "I'm sorry for being a dickhead and i'm sorry for not paying more attention to you and what's going on and i'm sorry for not making you feel special lately my heads been everywhere and i jus-" I'd had enough and i cut him off by kissing him. This is exactly what i needed.

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