32. Friends with benefits

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After rolling around with Carl for hours that night I felt pretty good. And I'd almost forgot that daunting conversation that needed to be had. In fact I was fully well convincing myself that it didn't need to be had. We were apparently still having sex and our friendship was fine. What was there to worry about. Maybe we were the ultimate people to do the whole 'friends with benefits' thing but actually do it right. As in no one gets the wrong idea and no one gets hurt. But as you all know it never works that way.

Going back into school the next day I got the shock of my life when Matt came up to me as I was walking to class.

"Hey can I talk to you real quick?" He asked as he caught up to me in the hallway. Suddenly I felt sick with guilt. I knew I shouldn't because at the end of the day I was single but I felt like moving on that quickly was almost disrespectful.

"Of course!" I smiled and we moved to the side. I was trying to act cool but on the inside I was completely shitting myself about what he was going to ask me.

"So last week I got a visit from Maria..." he began with a small smile that eased my nerves. But the mention of Maria shot them right back up again. Shit. She told him everything.

"Right?" I promoted him to continue as I was busy convincing myself I hadn't done anything wrong. Nothing wrong to Matt anyways.

"She came to me with this big elaborate story about how you'd been cheating on me with Carl and you stole him away from her and so on and so on..." he was slightly laughing which made me think he didn't believe her. Which he shouldn't because her story was completely wrong.

"Oh my god Matt you know I would never..." I began to defend myself but he cut in.

"I'm not accusing you relax!" He smiled sincerely giving my shoulder a reassuring rub. "I know you wouldn't have done that to me!"

"Okay good!" I sighed. My relationship with Matt was still important to me despite my lack of attention on it as of lately.

"I just thought I should let you know that she's running around and outing whatever is going on between you and Carl and making it sound way worse that it is!" He said and my stomach dropped again. He knew there was something going on.

"Matt about me and Carl-" i was glad he cut me off because I didn't know what I would say if he didn't.

"You don't need to explain yourself to me Ava. There's no harsh feelings you can do whatever you want." He smiled and my heart kind of hurt because of how sweet and genuine he was. "I always knew there was something more between you two but I knew you would never hurt me like that and you're not hurting me now it's okay." He always knew how to speak sense.

"I'm not even sure what's going on to be honest but we are just friends at the moment that's all but I really appreciate you telling me this it means a lot to me!" I thanked him genuinely. I couldn't have been happier about the way our relationship was now even after the break up.

"You're just friends?" Matt smirked raising an eyebrow accusingly. Oh no not him too.

"Yes!" I defended and we were. Just friends that had recently been bumping uglies.

"Does he know that?" Matt asked gesturing over to the right where a fair distance away Carl stood with Marty and Tyler with a giant glare across his face as he watched Matt and I talk.

"Yes he knows that." I laughed but as I thought more and more I wondered if he really did know that.


I made it through the whole day of school and I was feeling pretty proud as I was walking to my car. Carl caught up with me and I knew what he was going to bring up.

"Why the fuck was he talking to you?" He asked and I could tell he was not in the best of moods.

"He was telling me about how Maria came running to him with a bullshit story that I'd been cheating on him and stole you from her clutches!" I told him straight away and I could tell by the look on his face he was shocked a little.

"Oh.." he began before the anger resurfaced. "Well why did he feel the need to tell you that?"

"Because he was being a good friend." I said matter of factly which shut Carls unreasonable mood down straight away.

"Fair enough," he groaned and I detected a small slither of jealousy. "Can I come over?" The jealousy was replaced with lust and that's one thing I couldn't turn down.


As we were pulling our clothes back on the conversation I had with Matt kept popping into my head. Did he actually think that Carl thought of me as more than just a friend? Surely that was ridiculous.

"So were friends right?" I asked before I lost the confidence to bring up the topic. He looked confused for a moment as he pulled the tshirt back on.

"Yeah?" He questioned riddled with confused.

"Like I mean this hasn't changed anything has it?" I was trying to be as cool about the situation as possible. His face changed as he began to understand what I meant.

"I guess not?" I couldn't really read his expression so I assumed there was definitely a problem with miscommunication that needed to be fixed.

"Like obviously you don't want anything serious from me and I don't from you so I just wanted to clear the fact that nothing will change up?" I questioned but I really wasn't getting much from him. He was like a closed book in that moment.

"Yup guess so!" I figured my his reaction maybe I shouldn't have brought it up in the first place. I should've happily lived in that unknown place we were.

"I just wanted to make sure nothing was going to be awkward and we were on the same page!"

"Fair enough!" He nodded almost coming back to his normal self. "So am I your exclusive fuck buddy or can we see other people?" He asked and his comment caught me by surprise. He was being a bit of an ass. I was only trying to clarify things and now he seemed pissed off.

"No you can do whatever you like!" As soon as the words left my mouth I instantly regretted it. I didn't want him to be sleeping with other girls that thought made me feel sick but his question caught me by surprise and I was trying to play it cool.

"Great!" He nodded and grabbed his things storming out the door. "See you tomorrow!" I may have completely fucked things up.


Thanks for all the love and support guys really appreciate it and I hope you're all still enjoying it? Xxx

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