18. Its complicated

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I literally spent the whole day hanging around with Lip and Debbie. They seemed to make me feel way less shit about the fact that Carl was currently out with his girlfriend after the night we'd had. And Lip only taunted me about Carl a few times. It was bearable. 

"You know he likes you right?" He smirked as we were sprawled out on the couch watching some shitty tv show.

"He has been my best mate for 2 years so I'd be confused if he didn't!" I laughed ignoring the point of his statement on purpose.

"You know what I mean," he nudged me with his foot.

"I know you're full of shit!" I grinned sincerely earning an eyeroll. I wasn't in the mood to discuss my feelings with Lip.

"He's obsessed!"

"No it's just complicated and he has a girlfriend!" I sang back earning another eye roll.

"Yeah but she'll fuck off soon!" She better I mentally agreed. "And no it's simple you just gotta show him how much of an idiot he's being by not dumping her sooner!" He winked.

"Oh yeah and how do you suggest I do that?" I decided to humour his idea despite the fact that that was my exact goal last night.

"You gotta be hot as fuck," he began sitting up as if we were having a serious discussion.

"Obviously I've nailed that..." I laughed gesturing to my current state. Hair all over the place, makeup smudged, boys oversized jumper on, just about no pants. I was a real catch.

"Not just your appearance idiot," he laughed, "even though you are hot anyways." He winked at me this time earning an eye roll. "You gotta be sexually enticing with your actions." I did not want to have this conversation with Lip but I had to admit maybe I could take some good points away.

"Do go on..." I prompted sitting up to join him in this 'serious' discussion.

"You gotta make him want you so bad that he can't even control himself around you."

"Oh you are ridiculous!" I laughed at this conversation. I couldn't take him seriously.  "He has a girlfriend he's not interested!" I don't know if I was trying to convince him or myself that. Part of me thought Carl might already want me pretty bad but I didn't want to fully admit that yet for fear of rejection.

"He's not interested?" Lip laughed. "Ill prove you wrong." He challenged and I took his bet on. This would be interesting.


A few hours later Lip and I hadn't really moved spots except Ian had joined us on the other side of me. Carl walked into the house and Lip sent me a quick wink. I couldn't wait to see what he was up to. Carl on the other hand looked absolutely drained and fed up.

"Where's Maria?" Ian chirped cheerfully. We had informed him on the gossip when he got home and he was on Lips side of course.

"I had to literally beg her to just go home." He groaned sitting himself down on the single chair. Great to know she was a joy to be around.

"Why didn't you invite her around?" Ian continued and I was trying not to laugh.

"She's a handful." He sighed. "What did you guys do today?" He asked finally looking at me.

"Oh Ava and I just hung around here all day!" Lip smiled wrapping an arm around my shoulder. Ahh this is what he's doing.

"Get up to much?" Carl asked his face hardening.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Lip winked earning a punch from me and an eye roll from Carl. "I kept your friend entertained while you ran around with your girlfriend all day!" This earned an almighty glare from Carl.

"Oh fuck off!" He grumbled getting up and going to the kitchen. Lip gave me a nod to go after him and I groaned pushing myself off the couch. I walked into the kitchen and leant against the bench as he stood drinking out a carton of milk. "I don't want to hear about it!" He snapped aggressively before I even said anything.

"I'm not gonna say anything." I defended holding my hands up as he turned to face me. His expression was hard and cold. Great I didn't wanna deal with this Carl.

"Well good because I don't want to talk about it." He huffed leaning against the fridge crossing his arms.

"Your life decisions not mine," I muttered under my breath. I was trying not to be pissed off at him for leaving with her but I couldn't help it because of his sour mood.

"Oh go on then Ava!" He half yelled rolling his eyes.

"Excuse me?" I asked confused.

"Go on, do tell me about how shitty my relationship is even though you spent three years with a fuck wit who wouldn't touch you. Do give me your great wisdom!" He yelled sarcastically. Okay I did definitely not deserve that.

"Fucking grow up!" I simply snapped at him before storming back into the lounge room and flopping back on my spot on the couch before I lost my shit at him.

"Like a married couple already!" Ian laughed.

"Shut up!" I groaned hearing Carl storm upstairs.


After a few minutes of sitting in a shitty mood I decided I'd better go home.

"Right losers, i better be on my way." I sighed leaning over and giving Ian a cuddle before jumping up from the couch.

"Ill walk you home!" Lip said beginning to get up. I was about to decline his offer when Carl sauntered back into the room. He looked much calmer but I was still pissed off from his stupid outburst.

"Where you going?" He asked as if he didn't chuck a fit a few minutes ago.

"Gonna head home!" I bluntly answered and Lip got up walking to the door with me.

"Just walking her home ill be back soon!" He smiled.

"No I got it!" Carl nodded walking up to us. Don't think so buddy.

"No it's cool," I stopped him, "ill see you tomorrow at school!" And with that I walked out the door Lip following in tow shutting the door behind him.

"You should've seen his face!" Lip laughed catching up to me as we headed to mine. "He's gonna kill me when I get back."

"If he's as obsessed with me as you say he is he sure doesn't act like it!" I huffed. He really ruined my mood with his girlfriend rocking up and his little tantrum.

"That's because he's an idiot and he's trying to pretend he's not!" Lip answered simply lighting up a cigarette and passing it to me.

"Yeah well he doesn't have to act like an ass!" I sighed.

"You guys just have a weird relationship. There's something there but you're both too scared to do anything!" He said but I don't know if I would've said there was something serious going on other than little intense moments.

"It's complicated!" I couldn't be bothered explaining a situation I didn't even understand.

"Yous just need to fuck and get that over with!" You're telling me.

"I just got out of a relationship I don't  think I need boys to complicate my life anymore!" I sighed which was true but not exactly how I felt.

"No you just need to get back out there and get that old loser out of your system!"

"Trust me he is not in my system!" I laughed. I hadn't even thought about matt this weekend which I almost felt a little guilty about.

"Well Ava you know if you ever need a shag I'm always here!" He smiled sincerely as we got to my front door. I almost spat from laughing.

"Thanks for the offer," I sighed as he planted a kiss on my forehead and headed back home.

"Ill let Carl know you're thinking about it!" He called out cheekily. Yeah you do that.


Guys your comments absolutely crack me up makes me so happy to see how into the story everyone is getting never expected this kind of response you guys are amazing
10k reads woohoo
Lots of love enjoy xxxx

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