16. Mood swings

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My nap in the car sobered me up and by the time we stepped foot inside my nerves definitely ensured I wasn't nearly as drunk as earlier. I felt relief to see not everyone was asleep. Both Lip and Ian were sat at the table smoking.

"Holy shit that is not Ava!" Ian yelled standing up and coming over to sweep me up in a big hug. I hadn't seen him in ages and it felt good to finally see the whole of the Gallaghers again.

"You get hotter and hotter every day Ava." Lip winked as I kissed his cheek and sat at the table next to him. Carl rolled his eyes and grabbed a water bottle out the fridge sliding it over to me sitting down across the table.

"I know fuck it feels like ages since I've seen you." Ian beamed passing me the cigarette.

"Way too long!" I laughed taking a drag and offering it to Carl in an attempt to ease some tension. "I've missed you fuckers." He took the cigarette and placed it between his lips and I had to look away. He seemed much more relaxed.

"Everyone in bed?" He asked passing the smoke back to Ian.

"Yeah," Ian nodded. "Are you staying tonight?" He asked me and I looked at Carl for some reassurance and he nodded slightly.

"Yeah I'll take the couch!" I said.

"You're not getting on the couch!" Carl said and I knew he meant for me to get in his room but I wasn't sure that I trusted both of us.

"I'm sure I can sneak in with Debbie," I tried but he really wasn't having it.

"It's late you'll wake up Franny!"

"I'm going to Mickeys you can crash in my bed!" Ian offered standing up from the table. So it was still in Carls room but better than Carls bed I guess.

"Why are you going this late?" I winked.

"Why do you think?" He laughed grabbing a jacket and strutting to the door.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do..." I sang as he flipped me off and shut the door. Him and Mickey were my all time favourite couple. Absolutely amazing.

"Bed time?" Carl asked standing up from the table. So he was informing me it was bed time not telling me. I nodded standing up and taking one last puff before handing the cigarette back to Lip.

"My beds also free if you need hun," Lip grinned earning a 'get fucked' from Carl and a giggle from me.


"Awww little Liam!" I coo'd as we went into Carl's room and saw his little brother fast asleep on Carls top bunk. Carl cracked a smile. His moods were completely up and down tonight. "What's up with you?" I whispered sitting down on Ian's bed.

"Nothing!" He snapped ruffling through his draws. I decided to drop the subject I'd get it out of him tomorrow. "Do you need clothes?" He asked holding up one of his big jumpers. I stood up and thanked him taking the jumper. I pulled my hair into a quick pony tail and turned around taking off my heels making Carl tower over me even more so than before.

"Can you unzip me?" I whispered.

"What?" He almost stuttered. In that moment I knew I had an affect on me and it gave me back the confidence I'd almost completely lost.

"My dress, can you unzip it for me?" I asked again trying to hide my smile.

"Uhh sure." He said walking up behind me and i could feel the heat radiate from him. He gently pushed my hair over my shoulder and very gently took the zipper up the middle of my back and slowly dragged it down to just the top of my lower back right before my underwear started. I heard his breathing deepen and the feel of his breath on the back of my neck and shoulders caused goosebumps to rise all up my arms. He stood there still holding the zip for a little while before taking a finger and gently running it down my spine. My breath hitched and I got a shiver at the gentle contact. I didn't know if he would stop and secretly I didn't want him to. After a moment he released the dress and took a step back. "I'll um...let you get changed!" He stuttered quickly before leaving the room and leaving me a little dazed.

I pulled off my dress and on his jumper which fit me as a dress and I couldn't help but find some sort of comfort in how it smelt. Oh god I'm going soft.

I waited sat on Ian's bed not knowing what the hell to expect when Carl came back. I don't know what had gotten into us. We used to be so cool around each other even with the intense sexual tension but lately it was like as soon as he was in the same room as me I couldn't even think straight. Plus he was taunting me. Way way more than usual. But I fucking loved it.

He walked back into the room changed into comfier clothes and we locked eyes straight away. I kept my breathing in tact and kept calm. Trying to remind myself how many times we'd done this before and how comfortable we are with each other. "You okay?" He asked and I nodded genuinely. He nodded slowly and ran his hands through his hair and i almost thought i heard him mutter 'fuck'.

Before I even registered he was moving closer to me he swiftly knelt down in front of me on the floor next to Ian's bed. He kept his eyes on me and I tried to just focus on breathing as I felt his hands rest on my knees and gently separated them as he moved to kneel inbetween my legs, making his height almost level to mine. Our faces were close and his breathing almost matched the intensity of mine as all I could think about was his rough hands placed on my thighs. I was immensely worried but equally eager that he would take this any further.

His eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips and I couldn't bring myself to even glance away from his. "What are you doing?" I managed to whisper out. The suspense was literally killing me.

"I don't know!" He laughed gently. I relaxed a great deal at his casual tone. But I couldn't help but feel so turned on by him. Not just his amazing face and his body but his aura was captivating and his barely there touch was killing me. "I want to kiss you so bad," he said in a breath and my heart stopped.

"You can't!" I barely managed to choke out taking a moment to glance at his mouth and wishing so badly that he just would. I could feel his breath fanning over my face and it was all too much.

"I know!" He nodded still not moving away from my face and his gentle rough hands still lightly resting on my bare thighs. "I just want to really badly!" He laughed again causing me to smile. He took a hand and gently grabbed the back of my head leaning in and placing a kiss on my forehead before standing up and moving towards his bed. I took a big sigh of most likely disappointment and I could see the slight smirk on his face and the tension easing only slightly.

He pulled his shirt over his head leaving him in shorts. I tried to look away but I couldn't help but stare at his back muscles as he chucked his tshirt in the corner and pulled back his bed sheets. I managed to look away and climb into bed myself before he caught me ogling. I'd never have lived that down.

"Goodnight!" He called out smugly.

"Goodnight!" I sighed before getting comfortably and trying to forget what just happened. That was one hell of a mood swing.


Hey guyss another update because I'm super excited about this story and all the feedback I've been getting yous are absolutely awesome and I fkn love reading all your thoughts and comments it's amazing
Lots of lurve xxx

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