3. wear somethin slutty

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"So how was the sex with Mr Dull last night?" Carl called across the hallway as he approached me at my locker.

"Hey lower your fucking voice maybe." I said checking to see if any one heard his crude exclaim.

"Sorry it's not every day your best friend gets a root...oh wait it is for you." Carl smirked at me shrugging his shoulders.

"So your girlfriend gave you some last night too?"

"Yup, i don't know why i didn't do this relationship thing ages ago, it's great!"

"You were to busy being a slut!" i told him poking my tongue out, earning one in return.

"Fair point. Now the real reason i came over here was to tell you we're going to a party tonight."

"A legendary Gallagher party?" I asked in excitement only to be rudely shut down.

"Nah Fiona's pulled the plug on them for a little while! Maria's friend is throwing one and since they're rich i figured the house will be sick we can probably steal some stuff!" Classy i know.

"I dunno, aren't your girlfriend and her friends a bit boring?"

"Nah A, you're the one with the boring partner remember?" Carl winked. "You can bring him too by the way if you want."

"Guess i probably should," i sighed after dwelling on the thought for a moment, "don't wanna be left a third wheel or ditched for your girl." Matt was definitely not the funnest bloke at a party but it definitely beat having to suffer meeting Maria for the first time by myself.

"Hey, i would never ditch you!" Carl defended. "No one can replace you A you know that." He smiled in reaction to my accusing eye brow raise.

"Pfft that was before you went soft on me and got a girlfriend."

"Am i sensing some jealousy?" Carl smirked stepping closer to me so i had to press my back against the lockers to create some distance. "Because you could've had me, you're the one who tuned me down remember."

"I don't want you!" i defended with a totally unconvincing tone.

"Keep tellin yourself that A, i'll get Lip to come pick you and fuckface up at 7 then drop us off!"Carl said smoothly as i tried to cool myself from our heated encounter. "Wear somthin' slutty." He winked.

Sometimes i wish i had that intensely sexual effect on him that he had on me, only for revenge purposes of course.


"Do i look okay?" I asked Matt while twirling in the mirror checking over my outfit, i wore a white playsuit with high boots that came over my knees.

"You always do," he smiled looking briefly up from his phone. I literally had to beg Matt to even come, he said he was too tired and had too much homework to do but i was adamant that i was not meeting Carls girlfriend alone, he could leave early if he insisted.

"I'm not sure why i even have to come?" He groaned complaining yet again.

"Because i want to spend time with you and i really don't want to meet Carl's girlfriend alone." I sighed feeling as if i should've just given in and let him stay home.

"I'm here cunts!" i heard the ever so classy Carl call from the front door thankfully interrupting Matts complaints. Matt rolled his eyes which i kindly ignored. I was in no mood for his ego tonight so i headed down to meet Carl before Matt even noticed i'd left.

"Jesus Christ A!" Carl stuttered as i came into the kitchen, his eyes raking up and down my body. If i didn't have such heavy makeup i'd definitely be blushing. This is the reaction i wanted from my boyfriend.

"What?" I shrugged innocently.

"When i said dress slutty i didn't mean you should go for the 'hot as fuck' vibe." He said still not regaining his cool yet. I finally felt good about myself.

"Ya think?" I asked giving him a twirl and a pose.

"Yeah girl you look insane." He smiled giving me a one-armed squeeze, "just know, you can wrap those boots around me anytime." He said quietly in my ear making my stomach just about flip. He smoothly pulled away as Matt came into the room, still scrolling on his phone. "Are we ready to go?" He smiles innocently knowing full well the effect he had on me.


"Well if it isn't my favourite Gallagher!" I beamed jumping into the front seat next to Carls older brother Lip giving him a peck on the cheek and leaving the two boys to share the backseat.

"Oi!" Carl protested.

"Haven't seen you round in ages Ava!" Lip smiled as he began driving.

"I know, your brothers a changed man since he got a woman!" I joked, laughing at Carl's glare from the backseat.

"Well you'll always be our favourite one." Lip smiled.

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