35. Drinking games

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So I was standing in the bathroom wiping away my tears. Yeah how pathetic I fucking cried. I don't even know why. I'd seen Carl kiss thousands of girls so many times but this one really bothered me. Maybe it was because I knew he did it maliciously or maybe because I had drank way too much but either way my pathetic ass was in that bathroom trying to fix up my makeup. Once I managed and got myself together I put on my brace face and went back out into the party. I had given up hope on sorting anything out between Carl and I. If I was this hurt over him kissing someone there was no way I could be his friend and judging on what he did there was no way I could be anything else either. So I went back out into that party with my head held high and the acceptance that we had a great friendship and a great fling but both of those were in the past now. So why the fuck did my heart still flutter what he called my name.

"Ava!"I looked over and the slag was off his lap but sitting next to him. "Were playing drinking games come on!" He had that stupid smirk on his face but I didn't want to play his games anymore. Emma was already sitting on the floor with the hottie she bagged on the dance floor and the guy I was dancing with was sitting next to her. Drinking games were what got me into this mess with Carl and maybe they would get me out of it. I nodded and sat myself next to that guy whose name I learnt was Nathan, not to piss Carl off but to help distract myself. Although his face when I took the drink Nathan handed me was priceless.

"What are we playing?" I asked Nathan with a smile but before he could answer Carl did.

"Never have I ever." Oh great.


"Never have I ever had sex on the floor." Someone said and I took a sip. The images of Carl and I on the floor in the hallway came rushing to me but I tried to push them back. Nathan gave me a nod of approval and I giggled.

"Never have I ever had sex with my best friend!" Carl spoke up with his smirk on. He was trying to taunt me and I was trying so hard not to give in. I took a drink calmly trying to show he wasn't getting to me.

"Never have I ever cheated on someone!" The words came out of my mouth before I'd even realised. Okay so maybe I gave in a little bit. Carls smirk turned into a glare as he took a drink.

"Never have I ever punched someone out of jealousy." It was Emma that said that one and I was mentally sending her so much fucking appreciation. Carl rolled his eyes at her but took a sip. I hope he remembered what it felt like to actually give a shit.

"Okay new game." He spat once he realised he didn't have as much of a hold over me in that moment as he thought he did.

"Truth or dare?" Someone suggested and I groaned how fucking old were we.

"Nathan truth or dare?" Emma asked giving her upmost enthusiasm.

"Ah truth..." he groaned. I respected his lack of interest in these shitty games.

"Who is the hottest girl in the room?" Emma sent me a wink but I felt nervous.

"Ava!" He winked at me kissing the top of my head. I had to admit that made me smile but Carl was very unimpressed and actually put his arm around the whores shoulder. I had to remind myself to be cool. A few more questions and silly dares flew around the room.

"Emma truth or dare?" I asked starting to feel a little brighter.

"Dare," I had to help her return the favour.

"I dare you to kiss the hottest boy in the room!" I winked and she almost looked thankful as she leaned into her guy and gave him a fat smooch. Get it girl.

"Ava truth or dare?" Carl asked me and my stomach fluttered. His eyes were angrily watching Nathan whose hand was rested on my leg.

"Truth.." I knew I'd regret that but I wasn't going to let him make me do something humiliating.

"Do you regret the last person you fucked?" His eyes were still angry but there was vulnerability in his voice. Maybe he did feel something.

"No!" I answered honestly and he nodded before breaking eye contact.

The game kept going and Carls eyes were burning a hole in Nathan's hand touching me. I'm not going to lie, knowing he felt jealous made me feel slightly better about the situation but also upped my nerves.

"Kayla truth or dare?" He asked the whore who was literally all over him.

"Dare!" She giggled and I resisted the urge to slap her.

"I dare you to give me a lap dance!" He smirked stealing a quick glance towards me. I tried my hardest to look uninterested but seeing him eye her as she rubbed herself all over him made me feel sick. I got up to get another drink from the kitchen to save me having to watch that shit show.

By the time I got back they had finished and she was sitting back down. Emma gave me a nod to make sure I was okay and I nodded back. I just wanted this night to be over. Having to watch Carl all over someone else made me realise maybe I didn't just like him as a friend. Maybe I did want something more with him and that thought was hard to swallow.

"Nathan truth or dare?" Emma's boy asked him and I tried to look as interested as possible.


"I dare you to kiss a girl of your choice!" My stomach instantly fluttered and I saw Carl clench his fist. Nathan looked towards me and rolled his eye but nodded asking for permission. Without even meaning to I nodded back and he gently leant forward and kissed me. It was a sweet peck at first but he pulled me back in and deepened the kiss. I felt his tongue trace along my lip and I forgot about the audience and let him in massaging his tongue with mine.
Everything else happened so quick it was such a blur for my drunk brain to catch up. Nathan was ripped away from the kiss and by the time I opened my eyes to see what was going on I saw Carl on top of him punching him. Everyone was screaming and the boys were trying to pull Carl away. I was shocked to say the least. Maybe he did care more than he wanted to admit as well?


Early spontaneous update woohoo! So sad for when this book comes to a finish :( xxxxxx

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