10. show and tell time

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"I am so full!" I groaned flopping on the couch after cleaning up the dishes from breakfast.

"Me too!" Carl agreed sitting down lifting up my feet and placing them over his lap.

"I could do with a nap."

"You've only been awake for like 2 hours." Carl laughed at me as i got comfy.

"When did you get up?" I asked remembering how i found him this morning.

"Not too long before you did, not that I slept very well," He said raising his eyebrows at me, "you snore like a trucker when you're high."

"Oh shut up!" I laughed nudging him with my foot. I found myself staring at him again really just appreciating his face. Have you ever looked at someone and just felt really thankful that they were blessed with such good looks. I don't know what was up with me today but i felt like a dog on heat.

"Babe, you're eye fucking me." Carl smirked making me lose my train of thought.

"I am not." I defended halfheartedly. I totally was. I felt him shift from under my feet and before i could take in what was happening Carl had both knees either side of my waist and his hands rested on the couch by my head. His body hovering above mine, so close i could almost taste him.

"Well i think you've been eye fucking me all morning princess!" Carl said slowly looking right into my eyes and i had no idea what to even say. All the hairs on my body stood on edge as i tried to think straight with his incredible body so close to being pressed against mine. His mouth pulled a playful smile and i could literally feel my insides swooning.

"So what if i have?" I said confidently pushing back the pile of mush he was turning me into. He laughed leaning down onto his elbow bringing his face so close to mine i could feel his breath fanning over my face.

"You've got no idea what you're starting!" He laughed suddenly jumping up and sitting back down by my feet as if nothing had happened. He was right but i kinda liked it.

After i'd cooled myself from yet another heated moment with Carl we decided to chuck on a movie. 'The Lucky One' was playing on TV so we settled for that. Well he settled, i dove at the chance to watch shirtless Zac Efron. Everything was calm and friendly until of course the sex scene began.

"These scenes are always so shit!" Carl laughed as Zac Efron slowly peeled the wet clothes off the lucky bitch in the show.

"I dunno, i'm enjoying this one!" I smirked earning an eye roll.

"Its so fake though, no one actually has sex like that."

"Like what?"

"All slow and romantic. Sex isn't romantic like that in real life."

"I didn't think you were so against sex, jesus!" I laughed at his sudden disinterest in the one thing he talks about more than anything else.

"Don't get me wrong, i love getting down and dirty more than the next guy but that's the thing. It's down and dirty not romantic and beautiful." I had to admit he sure had a point. Everyone knew sex was not like how it is in the movies, we just liked to pretend it could be. "Unless its romantic between you and lover boy?" Carl teased suddenly reminding me of the situation i was in with Matt. And by situation i meant he had no idea there was a problem, however i was shamelessly flirting with my best friend all night.

"I wouldn't use 'romantic' as the correct adjective." I admitted trying to think back to the beginning of our relationship when Matt and i would actually get physical frequently.

"What adjective would you use?"

"Are you seriously asking me this?" I laughed feeling somewhat inappropriate bringing up the boyfriend i still had.

"Yup, come on show and tell time."

"I dunno," I stuttered shuffling through my mind trying to find the most appropriate word, disappointedly i settled for, "Nice?"

"Nice?" Carl questioned in shock sitting up to face me, "nice you reckon?"

"Well what other word do you want me to use?" I laughed trying to forget how weird this conversation had gotten. Hey i warned you the friendship we had was not your ordinary mate ship.

"I dunno but jesus christ A if any girl described sex with me as nice i'd probably cry!" He laughed making me join him. I honestly didn't think it was that bad of an insult, sex could be nice right?

"And how do you think girls would describe sex with you?" i humoured him giving him the perfect opportunity to brag but in all honesty i was curious.

"Intense, mind-blowing, best night of their lives!" He grinned watching my face for my reaction. Luckily i managed to suppress the thoughts of actual sex with Carl by laughing at his gigantic ego.

"Whatever, sex is different in a relationship!" i defended.

"Well i've had no complaints from Maria," his comment sort of hit me like a tonne of bricks. I'd been looking at him so inappropriately all day and night and my excuse was that i figured i was losing my feelings for Matt, however i'd seemed to of forgotten the other party was also spoken for. I pulled my legs off him and tucked them under my knees suddenly conscious of our playful proximity.

"Long term relationships are different to random frequent sex!" I clarified hoping he didn't notice my discomfort at the mention of his bitch of a girlfriend.

"Wouldn't constant sex with one person be better though? You'd get to know exactly what they like and how to please them in the right way and they'd know exactly what to do you get you off as well?" He questioned. I guess he had a point but Matt was my only comparison and due to our less than exciting sex life as of lately i had to disagree.

"No i think it would be so much sexier doing it with someone you're not dating! The idea of being purely lusted after and knowing they only want to please you in that moment is kinda exciting!" i admitted. Carl shifted in his seat looking at me wide eyed.

"Yeah but surely you'd still be lusted after in a relationship?" Carl seemed genuinely curious now, not just teasing me!

"From my experience no, when we have sex it sort of feels like a mutual appreciation. There's none of that raw intense need that would be if you were only in it for the sex!" i don't know why i was being so honest, i guess i was trying to prove to myself that being single wouldn't be so bad.

"You know i hate to be blunt A," Carl said sarcastically, "but how the fuck does he not lust after you?" i didn't know how to answer the question so i simply shrugged. "The way i think about you is so highly inappropriate that sometimes i'm actually disappointed in myself." he'd left me lost for words again, all i could do was mentally agree and try to hide the fact that he'd managed to draw goosebumps all over my skin just from his enticing words. His eyes held a degree of humour but i felt trapped under them. Unable to look away as he continued, "you have no idea how hard i have to try to keep myself from pinning you down and having my way with you. Having you as a best friend is fuckin hard because i can't be around you without this tension there and i know for a fact you feel it too." I felt like all i could do was silently agree with him which is why i surprised myself when the words

"I wish i went home with you at that party when we first met." slipped out my mouth.

Thoughts please guys?

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