23. Cool as ice

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It was a new day. New day new me. All of that kind of bullshit. I was going to try my hardest to just keep away from that mess with Carl. Technically he was the cheater but I was also in the wrong. Right? I knew he had a girlfriend and I let him kiss me. Fucking hell I kissed him back. I was going to be strong. I was going to prove that he didn't have a hold on me. My decisions weren't dictated by my vagina. Right? Of course they weren't. I wasn't some horny teenager, I knew how to control my urges. Right? Apparently not.

The girls and I woke up and dragged our lazy asses out of bed and sauntered downstairs into the kitchen. Carl was cooking up pancakes and jack was sitting on the counter 'helping'. Watching him make the pancakes made me think back to that weekend that started this whole mess. Well I think that's what started it? Or maybe it was just that weird attraction we had towards each other since that first day. Maybe that attraction and tension just exploded. We couldn't help that right?

"Ava?!" Carl yelled jumping me out of my stream of thoughts. Oh no I must've been out of it again. "Pancakes okay?" He asked again with a smirk. He fucking knew pancakes were okay.

"Perfect!" I sighed before plopping myself down at the table. I was in every sense of the word. A hot mess.


"I think we should spend the day by the lake?" Jack suggested as we finished breakfast and were cleaning up.

"Can we swim in it?" Maria piped up. I wish she would just not talk. That would've really helped my conscious.

"Of course I used to all the time when I was little!" Marty said.

"Yeah well look what happened to you..." Emma laughed and we headed upstairs to get our bathers on.
"Okay spill the beans!" She said folding her arms in front of me as soon as the door shut.

"What?" I was caught.

"You've been weird as fuck all yesterday and jumpy and nervous what happened?" She was stern and maddys face matched hers. I could save this.

"Okay Carl kissed me yesterday!" I blurted out. I could never lie to them very well.

"What?!" Maddy exclaimed shocked. Emma however was ecstatic.

"This is amazing what was it like?"

"Amazing," I groaned. "Best kiss I've ever had. It was so hot and intense. Ugh." I groaned flopping on the bed in defeat.

"What's the problem then?" Emma looked confused. Idiot.

"His girlfriend???" Maddy filled her in and Emma rolled her eyes.

"Forgot she still exsisted." She sighed. "Well do you feel bad?"

"I didn't at the time but I do now!" I admitted which was true. After that kiss I couldn't of given a single fuck.

"Well you want this don't you?" She asked.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"Well technically it's worse on him than you?" Maddy suggested looking for ways to make me feel less guilty.

"Yeah but that doesn't make it okay does it?" Low key was kind of hoping it does.

"No it's not okay but you're a woman going after what she wants he's the one that has something to worry about!" Emma was trying to justify my actions but I still couldn't let myself off that easy.

"Yeah but it's kind of freaking me out that he's being so normal about this! This isn't normal. Is it?" I groaned.

"Why can't you just enjoy whatever is finally happening?"

"Because she's still in the picture." I groaned. I was getting nowhere.

We decided we'd better make our way back downstairs because we'd taken extra long to change into bathers and were probably raising suspicion. We'd decided that I had to continue being strong and make Carl realise he can't fuck around with me while she's around. He wasn't going to get the best of both worlds.


The sun was shining and the weather was nice and warm, perfect swimming weather. By the time the girls and I made our way down to the lake the boys and Maria were already frolicking in the water. I saw Maria jumping all over Carl and for the first time all trip they actually sort of looked like a couple. And It kind of hurt like a bitch. I don't want to be 'his girl' as such, I just didn't want to be the other girl. Maddy gave me a reassuring smile and we stepped out onto the bank in our bathers.

"Rit reoow!" Marty cat called us earning eye rolls all around.

"Lookin mighty fine ladies!" Tyler called out as well. Dickheads. Carl was busy holding Maria but the boys comments got his attention and he turned to face us and the most amazing this happened. He fucking dropped her in the water. His eyes landed on me and slowly trailed up my body and I could see his expression harden and he fucking dropped her. I had to hold back the laughter as he realised what he'd done and tried to help her back up. Bit of a boost for my ego.

We spent a little while swimming around in the water and it was actually really nice and relaxing. I felt like I was soothing my hoe tendencies and in that moment I felt strong, cool, calm, and collected. Even with the fuckin mole squealing and rubbing all over Carl. I only wanted to vomit a handful of times. My maturity was definitely in full form that day.

As the day went on and once we were all shrivelled little prunes we decided we would head inside sort out dinner and the boys decided they wanted to get high tonight and as long as I wasn't sober I was happy with anything.

"Hey can I talk to you a minute?" Carl asked speaking to me properly for the first time that day once everyone was heading back up to the house and we were still on the bank.

"What happened yesterday? Don't worry it's already forgotten about!" I wanted to save the hassle of the awkward conversation. I was being cool and easy going.

"No that's not what I wanted-" he began leaning in to place a hand on my waist. I almost let him when I took in his face, water droplets dropping onto his nose and lips from his hair. I looked like a drowned rat wet. He however, looked sexy as fuck. But today I was being cool. Cool as ice.

"Look you're my best friend and I don't want things to go weird but I'm not hanging around and being your bit on the side while she's prancing around the place!" I said politely but sternly. His face was a little shocked. I don't think he was actually expecting me to reject him when I'd been literally frothing whenever he was near lately. "But we're cool right?" I smiled before heading back up to the house leaving him slightly dumbfounded.
Cool as fucking ice.


Just wanting to say a quick thankyou to everyone im so ecstatic with the response this story has gotten I never expected it in a million years but I am so so happy you guys are indeed! So so much love xxxxx

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