Power cut #3

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I woke up, the feeling of dread in me. I rolled over to see I was lying on a leather couch, with a mans dressing gown on me. I tucked it in closer to me, feeling the draft from the open window. I scan around the room to see where I was. I blinked a few times to see the amount of books and shelves. I swung my legs off the couch, placed them on the floor and wrapped the dressing gown around me properly.

As I made my way around the library I heard a heavy breath from the small sitting area. I peered around a bookshelf to the shape of a man on the other couch.

OMG! That's Charles!

I totally forgot!

In my confusion, I made my way over to the couch. I leaned over the back of it, looking at his face. I must say, though he was single, he was quite attractive. He had a strong jawline, yet he looked soft in his features. I let out a sigh and he rolled over. Me, being the jumpy person I am, stepped backwards and hit a bookshelf. Of course, I had to knock some books off.

"You really are the clumsiest person I know" He whispered.

I turned around to see a very sleepy Charles, propping himself up on his elbows.

"Sorry Charles..." I whispered back as I went bright red.

"It's fine" He smirked.

"Come here Talia"

"Okay, what do you want though?" I asked, popping myself next to him.

As I sat down, he sat fully up. Bending his left knee and placing his arm on it.

"Do you remember what I asked last night?"

"Being honest... No"

"Oh. Okay .... I think we should go get breakfast" He asked.

He stood up and put out his hand to help me up. I took it gratefully. I held his hand for a few seconds as we made our way to the door. He put his hand on the handle and then stopped.

"I don't mean to be rude Talia, but ... I would be grateful to have my dressing gown back,"

I looked down at myself to see I was swallowed by this rather large piece of clothing. I don't know why or what made him give me his dressing gown. But I was grateful. I turned around, lowering the gown at my shoulders. I felt his arms snake around me and undo the belt. I once again felt the heat of him as he pulled it completely off my body. I felt his breath on my neck, which made me shiver.

"Thank you Talia" He replied. I turned around as he was putting on the belt.

He opened the door and waited for me. I nodded in appreciation and left the room. I started to walk down the hallway to notice he wasn't following me. He was walking down the other way. I stopped and stared at him for a few seconds. I was snapped out my gaze when he tuned around at stared back. I giggled nervously and speed off down the hallway.

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